Most-likely by now, we have all seen the footage from the Republican debates, hosted by FOX News, where Rudy Giuliani attacks Ron Paul and accuses Dr. Paul of stating that America invited the 9/11 attacks. This interruption of the debates by Giuliani drew tremendous applause from the pro-war FOX News audience.
Unfortunately for Rudy Giuliani, this incident later exposed him as being ignorant to the fact that the CIA and 9/11 Commission Report both supported Ron Paul’s views as to the reasons terrorists may have attacked the U.S. on 09/11/2001.
However, giving Ron Paul national media exposure, and showing the public that Rudy himself did not know what our CIA and 9/11 commission report indicates, should not be the biggest worry for the Giuliani campaign. The biggest worry for Rudy Giuliani should be a possible investigation into 9/11! Rudy Giuliani is believed by many to be a hero of 9/11. Confidently roaming the streets of New York City just after the “terrorists” slammed some airliners into the Twin-Towers of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001.
Rudy looked so poised and under-control that it seemed that he had no-fear that another terrorist would strike the city. He was so calm and well-spoken that it seemed that he had rehearsed his speeches and prepared, in advance, for the “terrorists strikes”. Could this have been simply a heroic act of braveness and patriotism on behalf of then Mayor Giuliani, or is there more to the story than this? In the months and even years following 9/11 I believed that Rudy was an extraordinarily brave leader, even though something seemed eerily fishy about the whole 9/11 story.
For example, Building 7 of the WTC complex was never hit by a plane but yet collapsed at near-free-fall speed at 5:20 PM on the evening of September 11th.
The story does not end here. While there are hundreds if not thousands of reasons to doubt the official story of 9/11, the most striking evidence of 9/11 fore-knowledge, and/or inside involvement, comes right from the mouths of some prominent people that may have had possible fore-knowledge of the biggest “terrorist” act imposed on U.S. soil!
Here are 3 very interesting quotes taken from live interviews regarding 9/11 and Building 7 (each quote is linked to actual footage of these statements):
1. “…when we we’re told that the World Trade Center was going to collapse…” – Rudy Giuliani, on-the-air live with Peter Jennings on September 11th, 2001!
2. “…we’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull-it, and we made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse”
World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein, regarding building 7 during a PBS television interview.
3. “ …and they made a decision based on the danger that it had of destroying other things, that they did it in a controlled fashion…” - John Kerry, during a bookstore Q&A session.
The official government story of WTC 7 is that fire caused that building to collapse (which in itself is impossible), but now we have several instances of admittance that the building was taken down by explosives and that certain people had been notified, in advance, that the buildings we’re going to collapse!
How could a controlled demolition of WTC 7 have been set-up during the mass chaos that filled the streets of New York on 9/11? What does the term “pull-it” refer to? How can a building be taken down in a “controlled fashion” on 9/11? These quotes all bring-up deeper questions into the occurrences on that awful day!
In addition to all of this, why would Giuliani be in such a hurry to clean-up the remains of 9/11? In such-a-hurry that he would have fire-fighters arrested for trying to rescue bodies from the wreckage of the Trade Center buildings? Giuliani In such-a-hurry that he had the building remains scooped-and-dumped and taken away while bodies still lay inside the debris? Why would anyone want to get rid of the metal, steel and other evidence that could have been tested for explosives or other controlled demolition evidence? I think anyone with any knowledge of crime investigation will agree that you do not hide evidence or have it shipped-off somewhere, especially when the crime involves 3,000+ victims!
Now where does Ron Paul fit-in with all of this possible criminal and treasonous activity regarding 9/11? To start with Ron Paul has stated that he supports a new investigation into the evidence of 9/11 inside involvement. It is important, however to note that Ron Paul has never accused any American of being involved in 9/11 and he has never said that he believes 9/11 to be an inside job. As a matter of fact, Ron Paul has indicated that he believes that terrorists attacked us due to our foreign involvement in nations of the Middle East, further showing that Ron Paul does not think 9/11 had inside involvement.
However, The simple fact that Ron Paul supports a new independent investigation into the unanswered questions of 9/11 makes Dr. Paul a favorite among truth seeking Americans and those involved on the 911 Truth Movement. Maybe this will also open-up new reasons as to why the corporate media and others are trying to censor and even ban Ron Paul from running for office!
More sick truths about Giuliani