... the concern that Obama can't win because he's black says a lot more about the people who voice it than it does about the electorate it purportedly describes.This is the form of argument that describes the shooting of the messenger for bringing bad news. It attempts to brand people who believe their neighbors are toxic racists as racist themselves. It is a horrible and unworthy argument. The fact is that racism IS a major factor in American society, and it has been for three hundred to four hundred years. Ford's attempt to brand opponents of the Obama candidacy on party pragmatic grounds as "false-realists" rests on the almost equally shaky grounds that misogyny against Hillary Clinton is false. Well it isn't. There certainly are countervailing partisans, my daughter among them, but that does not mean that when America goes "behind the curtain" to vote that either racism or misogyny are not real and toxic. Ford follows with characterizations that recent polls showing Obama beating all or most Republican candidates are objectively factual. Horsefeathers! Polls are notorious and they are not factual, certainly not at this early stage of the campaigns. I have seen polls that represent John Edwards as the stronger of the three candidates. I have seen the same for Clinton. Sorry, Ford, your argument is pure baloney for which you ought to be ashamed. The second page of Ford's hopeful support of Obama wends off into hypotheses of assassination and blithering comments about institutional racism that belonged as counter arguments on page one. It does not matter. The case for Obama's candidacy should, in an ideal world rest on his achievements, his character, and his intended program. In the real world his fortunes will rest on how he deals with the ugly swiftboating that began before he announced and will continue to depths of political sleaze not yet imagined in this country. If he is nominated I surely will vote for Obama, or if she is nominated, Clinton, or if he is nominated, Edwards, whom I prefer. It is essential that we get control of the federal government into sane hands and minds. Professor Ford's diatribe against those who have good reasons to suspect an Obama candidacy has critical weaknesses does not help this goal or process one bit. JB