An Appeal from
For more than five years now, the entire mainstream corporate news media apparatus has been controlled by a handful of behind-the-scene power brokers. In all that time there has been a total blackout on any mention, never mind discussion, of the truth behind the events of 9/11.
Despite their credibility and expertise, high-powered and extremely convincing voices of truth have been denied access to the public via the mainstream media. In the years following the attacks of 9/11, a significant number of knowledgeable people have attempted to alert the nation about the mountain of evidence that has been unearthed by their investigations, and which shoots large holes in the 'official' version of events sold to an unsuspecting and unquestioning public.
These people include former Bush administration officials, CIA analysts, FBI whistleblowers, scholars, academics, theologians and eye witnesses to the events of that tragic day. Not one of these people has been allowed to present his or her individual and collective conclusions that the Bush administration was either totally negligent or fully complicit or in the events of 9/11.
Recent events, however, suggest that there may be a breach in this wall of silence. It seems that the only way for the 9/11 truth movement to attract the attention of the public is for well-known individuals in the entertainment arena to come forward and demand the truth.
Sad but true, a large number of Americans believe nothing until they see it on TV! There can be no question about the enormous influence and effect of television broadcasting on public opinion, a very frightening fact in these troubled and dangerous times. It was exactly for that reason that I created and dedicated these past years to exposing the lies and deception emanating from our broadcast news industry. And that is why I now am calling for help from one of TV's most popular and respected performers.
Last week we witnessed a five-cent example of how the single TV appearance of a well-known performer, a celebrity if you will, could initiate a terribly important word-of-mouth grass roots movement. The support of one show-biz personality helped the 9/11 research community gain more attention than the efforts of hundreds of less famous people who have been trying for years to gain access to the corporate media.
Last week Charlie Sheen became a legend. He became the first celebrity (to attract the attention of the corporate media) to risk all to ask the common sense questions that formed in his mind when he examined the 9/11 crime scene evidence. Sheen's brief appearance on CNN's Show Biz Tonight showed how millions of Americans could be made aware of the convincing and damning evidence that has been hidden from them for years by our corporate criminal media.
Predictably, Mr. Sheen soon became a prime target of people who make the illogical argument that a valid message is not to be accepted if it arrives in even a mildly tainted envelope. As compelling as Mr. Sheen's comments and observations are, there will always be those who ignore his words even as they follow the Sean Hannity illogic of shooting the messenger when you can not defeat the message.
Sorry Charlie, - you will always be a hero to me for your efforts, but what we really need now is a Charlie Sheen heart and head in a bulletproof package. And I think I know who that package is.
I submit to my fellow 9/11 truth seekers and truth bearers that our effort to alert the public will be victorious if Oprah Winfrey gets on board. If we could convince Oprah to provide a platform for presenting the information that is in our possession, we'll have it made. Oprah has been a champion for so many for so long that we can only hope that she has just half the courage and sense of duty of our new hero, Charlie Sheen.
Oprah Winfrey is the closest thing our generation has to a Walter Cronkite outside the news field. Her credibility and popularity are unmatched. Her words will ring loudly and people pay close attention to her program. And she comes without an iota of challengeable baggage.
Therefore, I am suggesting that a powerful, focused effort be made to inform Ms. Oprah Winfrey of the piles of evidence that give lie to the official story of 9/11. I also suggest that we try to convince this very powerful woman to use her show as a format for that evidence to be presented to the viewing public.
This has to be done carefully. The effort can backfire if a poorly planned, incoherent or unconvincing presentation is made to Ms. Winfrey who can place a nail in the coffin of the truth movement as quickly as she can blow the lid off of the suppression we have experienced.
For starters, here is what I would do if I were to make a presentation to Oprah Winfrey:
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