What is the holdup with impeachment? I believe this is the reason...
Reasons to Conyers dilemma:
I think Mr. Conyers knows there is no rush to impeachment. First people need to understand that time has no bearance on the process. In fact we can still impeach Harry Truman. Consider that a President served 2 terms and at the end of his term in his last month he did egregious crimes to the Nation, waging a lying War, and killing thousands of innocent people. Are we to believe that because there is no time left, we can't impeach? How idiotic. Of course impeachment is always on the table throughout time. Do not think I agree with no rush to Impeachment. It should have been tabled long ago..
It is getting people educated about this. Think of it here we are in 2008, and still have not had a Black President. Think maybe Conyers is waiting to see how Obama comes out? There is only 43 black congress-members to a 435 membership, and the only senator is Barack. Pretty scant and disgraceful that so few black Americans serve in Government. But Obama has come out against impeachment. Think maybe Conyers is following Obama's anti-impeachment? I think that is the issue. And if this is the reason which I think is, it goes to prove this race is about race.
Conyers choices are to go for impeachment or against Obama who is anti-impeachment and risk the chastisement of his black constituency. It can be tough for him to lose his real friends. Then again he would be doing something that is really necessary to do, and gain much appreciation from the white establishment who is against the crimes of Bush and Cheney.
Now if he holds out and Obama seems clear to be nominated on the Democratic Ticket, still posturing as anti-impeachment to gain unsuspecting Republicans to get him into office, and Obama decides to support impeachment, we now have Obama caught in a lie, because he originally said he was against Impeachment. This could be detrimental in the process, and create the impression that a lying President can now implement Impeachment. It would not hold water.
Conyers if he really wants to end racism and get blacks into Government the very black representatives need to support the truth. That truth allegiance gains respect, and we can begin to appreciate black representatives who really support the people, not the color of race.
He needs to forget the Obama tactic, and get on with the business. Cheney and Bush will not be off the hook if they resign. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to witness history changing when we finally get a successful badly needed Impeachment. It is necessary not just for America but to bring to order and Justice that the past has created, from before Harry Truman to now in the Bush Administration.
If you have any questions simply read this inspiring article in the need for Impeachment and why it is necessary. It must go forward just as the sun rises, and the Congress meets.
see link here: http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_dom_jerm_071221_impeachment_phobia_o.htm