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Frightened to Death

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dave stanley
Message dave stanley
America the safest nation in the world,not in a thousand years could America be defeated unless from an enemy from within.Americans today are a shadow of what they use to be, today they are dumbed down beyond belief.Most actually believe the Govt. means Islamic fundamentalists when they refer to terrorists these days.But the truth is much more closer to home. Today the Govt. means patriots when they say the word terrorist.

It is no big secret that America wants to implement the North American Union similar to that of Europe they are dead serious about this,and they won't take no for an answer from the people.They now know they are your masters in America you have let them get away with too much for this you will be receiving your just rewards.
They want to harmonize American laws to Canada's laws so as to implement the North American Union.The 2nd amendment among others is slated for removal, they have been trying for awhile now to get rid of it.they will remove it just before they lower the boom on America. this is not purely conjecture,they have left many clues for instance the 2 nd amendment for quite awhile has been under fire.circumstantial yes,yet enough circumstantial evidence is hard to ignore.
They know that there are roughly 15 million patriots in America that will stand against this act of treason ,Today they plan the attack on American citizens. They won't tell you this,, they will tell you they are home grown terrorists but in fact they are the patriots that will be rounded up.FEMA camps set up all across the nation will hold them until a final solution is at hand.

Make no mistake about it ,America is slated for the dust bins of history,The North American Union will go forward with or without your consent.America is a road block to world govt. , as such ,has no chance of defending against it. The leaders in America are on board with this,they want it to happen, they are globalists not patriots.This global govt. will be formed,America will be left in a third world state.The American patriots are the terrorists they refer to,as America is the safest country in the world .Through the years they have conditioned Americans to be afraid of the dark,the propaganda that comes to mind is Duck and cover,Duct tape and plastic, ratcheting of terror alerts. etc... As a result Americans are brain washed into being afraid of the dark in the safest country in the world.So afraid that they will vote for a guy like John Mccain, the insanity of electing a person that is as dumb as a door knob isn't new, George bush isn't exactly grade A material.America wants a big daddy image as president because they are afraid of the dark in the safest country in the world. Unfortunately for Americans their choices for president will be insanity or insanity. America will die from being frightened to death.
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