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Three Issues

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There are only three issues that are central to the 2008 election:


  1. Military
  2. Economic
  3. Media



The future course of the United States can be traced to these issues.


Military spending is defined as all monies spent on the military, including those monies budgeted to other intelligence agencies or departments such as the State Department or the CIA.  It’s the key to the Budget as a whole, since everything else can essentially be divided into two other categories:  Domestic Spending and Foreign Spending.  The three categories, Military, Domestic and Foreign, fairly well define our budgetary needs.


Trade Policy can fit into a package almost as neat and fairly well defined, what our elected officials call, Foreign Relations, another relatively simple platform program.


Both military and economic policy are each subdivided into three categories with respect to foreign countries.


  • Pro - We, the United States , but not necessarily its People, are with you. 
  • Con - We’re against you.
  • Neutral - we don’t much care. 


The Pro category countries are likely to be military allies, so we sell them planes and various armaments.  We support their government because they support ours, and they’re likely to get a few billion dollars a year just to keep everybody smiling.


With respect to trade, Pro Category countries increase in number to include many Neutrals and even a few Cons.  Some of those Third World countries that don’t even show up on the Foreign Spending charts are places where people will work long hours at extremely low wages.  Even better, these people don’t complain about health plans, pensions or age requirements.  Most of them won’t live long enough to collect a pension, and if they’re sick, another twelve year old will take their place.  These countries move to the A-List.

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I've never claimed to have all of the answers, but refuse to sacrifice my right to ask all of the questions and expect answers in return. One needs to have a lot of ideas in order to stumble across a few good ones.
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