By Webster G. Tarpley
Meanwhile Bush is exploiting the grief of 911 relatives. What a media extravaganza.
'Solid Curtain' And 'Citadel Shield 2007' Military Drills Raise Spectre Of Imminent False Flag Provocation And Attack On Iran By WASHINGTON, DC -- US military bases in the continental United States (CONUS) will go on special lockdown between September 17 and September 21 under the auspices of Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield '07, a reliable source reported today. Under these exercises, US installations will institute enhanced anti-terror force protection measures, with increased security at all gates. The increased security was so elaborate that base personnel were being warned to expect significant delays at all base entrances.
According to William Arkin's 2005 directory of military code names, Solid Curtain is a US Navy Fleet Forces Command anti-terrorism/ force protection exercise. In Solid Curtain '03, Arkin reports, the drill scenario involved 15 simultaneous attacks across the country including the Corpus Christi naval air station, the Ingleside naval station, local shipyards, and other targets of attack in the coastal bend of south Texas. In earlier versions of Solid Curtain, the Newport Rhode Island naval station was featured in the scenario.
These drills cause acute concern because they occur before the backdrop of widely reported preparations by the Cheney clique to manufacture a new 9/11 and/or a new Gulf of Tonkin incident to be used as a pretext for a US sneak attack on Iran, with an included option for martial law inside the United States.
On Friday, September 14, the US Air Force has instituted a stand-down for the alleged purpose of reviewing procedures after a B-52 transported six nuclear-armed cruise missiles from Minot AFB North Dakota to Barksdale AFB Louisiana. Intelligence community sources have pointed to the fact that Barksdale is the jumping off point for US air assets moving to the Persian Gulf, suggesting that US nuclear weapons are being readied for a strike on Iran. Another option might well be that one or more of the cruise missiles was destined for use in a false flag attack on an American city, a scenario alluded to by Cheney on April 15 in an interview on CBS New Face the Nation.
Solid Curtain and Citadel Shield will be taking place within the same general time frame as Vigilant Shield '08, scheduled to be held October 15-20, 2007, with a scenario that calls for the detonation of three radiological dispersal devices within the purview of USNORTHCOM (continental US) and the US Pacific Command. Vigilant Shield is supposed to be centered in Oregon, Arizona, and Guam. The drill is slated to include multiple homeland defense, critical infrastructure protection, and aerospace events. Linked to Vigilant Shield is another drill called National Level Exercise 1-08. In addition to the US, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom are scheduled to take part. Concurrent with these drills is TOPOFF 4 (Top Officials 4), the main yearly terrorism preparedness exercise sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security. The boss of this agency, Michael Chertoff, announced earlier in the summer that he had a "gut feeling" that a terror attack on the US was about to occur. This is another drill that lends itself to going live.
Also relevant to these events is Noble Resolve '07, a drill organized by the Joint Task Force Command (JTFCOM), Northern Command (NORTHCOM), J9 Joint Innovation and Experimentation Directorate, FEMA's command bunker, the Department of Homeland Security, and Virginia police. According to false flag drill expert D.L. Abrahamson, Noble Resolve '07 represents a four-day marathon of "simulated" terror attacks across the US and Europe, including a simulated detonation of a "loose" ten-kiloton nuclear weapon Virginia harbor, smuggled in by a "foreign nation." Drills like these, if flipped live, would give Cheney the pretext to put the entire world on a catastrophic slide towards general war.
Recent terror events, such as London July 7, 2005, have occurred when drills and exercises went live or were flipped live by military and intelligence factions supporting the War of Civilizations, which such actions are meant to stoke. Most significantly, the original 9/11 coup d'etat by these same aggressive US military and intelligence factions was preceded and accompanied by installation security clampdowns of the type now imminent at the military bases in the Washington DC area and elsewhere.
These exercises can be summed up as follows:
BASE ISOLATION AND COUP PREPARATION Forts Hamilton, Meade (NSA), Belvoir, Ritchie, Myer, and McNair Starting August 15, 2001, Army limits public access to bases near Washington DC, supposedly as part of nationwide security clampdown because of terrorist threat Fort Meyer, VA, Fort McNair, DC, 3rd US Infantry
September 5, 2001: US Army bases near Washington DC implement "full access control." Fort McNair is HQ, Army Military District of Washington DCFort Meyer, Virginia"Force protection exercise" scheduled for week after 9/11 Fort Belvoir, Virginia On September 11, 2001: second Tuesday of "garrison control exercise," allegedly to "test the security at the base in case of a terrorist attack."
Persons of good will in the United States must demand that elected representatives and presidential candidates act to expose, denounce, and shut down these reckless and highly dangerous drills. Countries outside of the US must demand explanations from the US Embassy as to whether the US is indeed preparing a nuclear aggression against Iran, under the cover of a false flag war provocation. Countries not wishing to be drawn into the abyss of such a catastrophe must take steps now to assert their national independence.
See also:
his is all part of the
Continuity of Government (COG) - (
pdf file) plan authorized by President Bush.
In an astonishing report issued by the GAO
Davi D'Agostino, GAO director of defense capabilities and management and the author of the report, considered the
military's decision to abandon Cheyenne Mountain so unfounded that the agency urgently called for congressional hearings.
In the report Adm. Timothy
Keating, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command announced that his plans were to move certain NORAD and
NORTHCOM functions from Cheyenne Mountain to create an integrated command center at Patterson Air Force base in Colorado Springs.
At the same time,
USSTRATCOM, which controls the nuclear weapons assets of the United States, announced plans to relocate its missile warning systems from Cheyenne Mountain to
Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado.
Add to this the fact that the Air Force Space Command decided to move from Cheyenne Mountain to Vandenberg Air Force Base in Vandenberg, Calif.
Let us bear in mind that there are other "secret" COG facilities in the US as well. We cannot mention them here since they are classified and the mere mention of them could get us in a heap of trouble with Bush.
Bush Administration Ramps Up Secrecy By William Fisher
t r u t h o u t Report Monday 10 September 2007
Some 18 percent of the Department of Defense's FY 2007 acquisition budget is classified.
Bush order called 'stunning' power grab
Bush grants presidency extraordinary powers Directive for emergencies
The "National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive," with the dual designation of
NSPD-51, as a National Security Presidential Directive, and
HSPD-20, as a Homeland Security Presidential Directive, establishes under the office of president a new National Continuity Coordinator and COG imperatives.