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Kucinich To Receive Appeal For Redress From Active Duty Service Members TODAY

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Amanda Lang
Message Amanda Lang
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WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) will receive an Appeal For Redress from active duty service members and veterans on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, at 11 a.m. on the Cannon House Office Building Terrace at the corner of Independence Avenue and New Jersey Avenue.

An appeal for redress is a way for individual service members to appeal to Members of Congress to urge an end to the U.S. military occupation.

More than 1,000 service members have signed the appeal for redress. It is sponsored by active duty service members based in the Norfolk area and by a sponsoring committee of veterans and military family members. The sponsoring committee consists of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans For Peace and Military Families Speak Out.

Kucinich has been an adamant opponent of the war. He led the effort to challenge the Administration's war in Iraq. In advance of the Iraq war resolution in Congress, he organized 126 Democrats, two-thirds of the House Democratic Caucus, to vote against the resolution.

Last week, Kucinich introduced a Sense of Congress resolution in the House of Representatives, urging the President not to order an escalation in the total number of troops serving in Iraq. The resolution has 26 cosponsors.

"There is a compelling need for a new direction in Iraq, one that recognizes the plight of the people of Iraq, the false and illegal basis of the United States' war against Iraq, the realities on the ground which make a military resolution of the conflict unrealistic, and the urgent responsibility of the United States to use the process of diplomacy and international law to achieve stability in Iraq."
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OpedNews volunteer from 2005 to 2013.

Amanda Lang was a wonderful member of the Opednews team, and the first volunteer editor, for a good number of years being a senior editor. She passed away summer 2014.

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