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Victims of War Remembrance on Memorial Day

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Jay Janson
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Press Release re Victims of War Remembrance on Memorial Day

Memorial proposed to honor all victims of war

Source: Email from Jay Janson (5-23-06)

This Memorial Day, Korean War veterans and Vietnam War veterans will initiate a broader commemoration - for all the victims of war. Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States, has endorsed the project.

The vets will join the special commemoration during the Annual Veterans Commemorative Assembly on Sunday, May 28, at the Vietnam War Memorial (55 Water Street) and join in the walk to the waterfront and throwing of flowers into the bay.
On Memorial Day, May 29, at the Soldiers' and Sailors Monument (89th St. & Riverside Drive), the vets will join the 10:30 memorial, then take part in the WALK OF REMEMBRANCE" TO A CIVIL WAR ENCAMPMENT AT GRANT'S TOMB (122nd St. & Riverside Drive).

"We need a memorial day to commemorate all victims of war, especially the civilians," insists Jay Janson, Korean war veteran, "That way people will become aware of the true effect of war and be more ready to opposite war when politicians call for it."

At both events veterans will stand under a sign that reads



Bill Hamilton, a Vietnam War veteran, told us that he would like see everyone strongly embrace with certainty the words of Ulysses S. Grant, who said, "There never was a time when, in my opinion, some way could not be found to prevent the drawing of the sword."
"Let us have peace."

Veterans, clergy, academics, editors and writers, including people of
all walks of like have expressed heartfelt support for a for
continuing year around the promotion of a Memorial Day for all
victims of war that would especially include innocent civilians
alongside the military of all sides. This would engender a desire for
reconciliation and opposition to war as an instrument of foreign

Jay Janson
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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Dissident (more...)

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