Why isn't our government considering a solution that the Russians have used many times of detonating a small shaped charge (a small nuke) near the site of the spill, whereby the result is a collapse into rubble that seals the leak?
I read in "The Nation" that a Russian general says they have had success with this method on a number of leaks in their own past. It was suggested to the U.S. that we do what the Russians did. So why not consider it? No BP would hate that idea; they still see the dollars available in this junk well. Does anyone know a better solution? I know BPhates any idea that might prevent them fromstill 'saving'the dollars they see as 'available' in this junk well.
BP clearly doesn't know what they are doing and it is in their interest to lie about the extent of the damage. They need to be kicked out of the way now and Obama needs to try anything that might work. The Russian shaped charge, nuke option sounds the most reasonable to me; but then, I'm not an expert in this and so maybe I'm wrong.
I have yet to hear some scientist explain why the Russian option won't work. It isn't even being discussed, as far as I know, at official levels in Washington. Why not consider it if the Russians tried it and it worked for them? Whether they did it at this depth or not, I don't see why the same principles wouldn't be at play as in their plugging of their leaks.
Mr. Obama, either tell us why it won't be tried. Or at least, do something besides rubber stamp BP's decisions and their use of destructive surfactant, Corexit. All the dispersants like this do is reduce the surface tension of the water around the oil it touches?The oil is still there. It just isn't as visible when these surfactants are used. And that's the motivation for using them: BP likes the fact that the damage is unseen.
BP is a marketing company and PR for their own profits is their primary motive. They are a scurvy outfit that does not understand the oil industry and they hire amateurs to cut corners and do the business of the oil business. We can all see that Tony Hayworth is a rank amateur who is only into PR and spin. That's what BP wants: public relations over solutions. That is why these plumes exist and BP is trying to hide them.
It is an outlandish lie that Tony Hayworth again and again gives forth that the plumes cannot be there, and if anything, our do-nothing Attorney General should be filing criminal charges against these executives of BP. But Obama's Administration are corporate shills so they don't prosecute these oil pirates. And the Coast Guard is in cahoots with them. Once again, fat cats get their 'get out of jail free' pass.
Well, this is what you get, Gulf residents: A coast guard that is looking for a high ranking jobs within BP, and BP huckstering everyone while oil is gushing.
Waiting until August for relief wells to be drilled is UNACCEPTABLE. The ecology can't tolerate two more months of oil leak. Andeven BP's latest "solution" risks making the leak bigger with zero guarantee of success.
So, in a few short weeks, the oil tar balls will be getting bigger and every creature that eats it gets sick and dies. Just look at how little biodiversity was around Santa Barbara California when that oil rig leaked.
Tony Hayworth continues to outright lie and lie, and the oil keeps flowing, and flowing, and flowing.
Drill baby drill was and is a crimimal, stupid idea. A little more action, a little less "photo-op-spin-damage-control", Mr. President!