While no less than 203 ex-cabinet members press the Bush/Cheney cabal to stop torture, the members of the complicit Congress pass the bill saying it is great that Bush/Cheney strongarmed the telecommunication companies to illegally tap into conversations.
Pelosi, Reid, and company are no less criminal than the Bush/Cheney/Rice gang of thugs. They continue to sit by while our Constitution and nation is being destroyed. This makes them complicit in the act.
Also, while nothing is happening to curb the apparent escalation of "brownshirt"- tactics, we continue to have citizens re-entering the US from vacations having their laptops, cell phones, ipods, and other electronic devices confiscated while the information is downloaded.
We see the military performing drills in cities like Indianapolis designed to control people in urban settings. We hear of activities such as eighteen wheelers entering underground fortresses with large amounts of MREs. This, too, near Indianapolis.
On a daily basis we continue to read about how things are in a fascist world. For example, today I read where the court says it's okay for the National Security Agency to not tell lawyers for the Guantanamo detainees if they were wiretapped.
We also read that inspite of the recent flooding in parts of our nation investigative reporters do not have the right to information pertaining to the soundness of our dams. This is a part of the Patriot USA Act!
Just who does that act protect? Has anybody read the Enabling Act implemented by Hitler follower the Reichstag Fire?
The Supreme Court gives "assistance"- to the poor Exxon corporation by relieving them of $2,000,000,000.00 is fines as a result of the oil spill that destroyed wildlife and Alaskan shorelines. Next, bring on ANWR! It won't disrupt the environment.
We see Supreme Court Justice Scalia being much less than straight forward and honest by telling outright lies in his dissent of a recent ruling concerning Guantanamo detainees. If nothing else shouldn't we expect members of this high court to be honest?
This is but a single day in America. At the same time we continue to hear the same, almost as though it was recorded from 2002 speeches, rhetoric for illegally invading Iran. Who is going to stop this mob of mass murderers? Make no mistake, they will be stopped as was Hitler. The problem is at what expense to human life and lifestyle?
Wouldn't it be much simpler to stop this fascist machine now? If Pelosi is not going to initiate action, who is? Dennis Kucinich is doing his part at great expense to himself, politically, as we have seen 5 people opposed him in the primary election for his seat in the House. He still won that primary, receiving over 50% of the votes. We certainly hope Kucinich isn't Wellstoned in his quest to bring back our Constitution, thus restoring our republic to the democracy is once was, and was intended to be.