It's enough to make you believe there is a God up there, pulling the strings. One day apart, Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair are served up to the world as two of the most dangerous people on the planet - and neither of them will have to worry about punishment!
Image taken from page 61 of '[The Pied Piper of Hamelin. [Originally published in .Dramatic Lyrics,. no. 3 in the series .Bells and Pomegranates..]]'
(Image by The British Library) Details DMCA
While Great Britain has rarely deserved its nickname of Perfidious Albion more than in Blair's decision to join Geroge Bush against Iraq, the US is hardly further along in its long journey from gullible believers in 'the shining city upon a hill' to responsible world citizens putting an end to our government's rampage.
Both presemptive presidential candidates are facing embarrassing charges (Donald Trump of business fraud), likening them to the Grimm's character who led an entire village's children to their doom by playing the pipe.
It's a good thing that Bernie Sanders is keeping his campaign alive, knowing that the DNC may have to revise its plans to crown a second Clinton president. In his intrerview yesterday with Chuck Todd he again showed himself to be a consumate politician, adding at the end 'And I will do everything in my power to see that Donald Trump does not become president', foreseeing that after Comey's hearing, his numbers against Trump will go through the roof compared to Hillary's.