1. Fascism a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government. 2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.
There are some that would agree that turbulent times are indeed ahead. That violence and rioting will follow as economies crash. That abuses of power will become even more evident than before, especially under the guise of 'restoring order'. That worldwide currencies may develop into one global currency. Eventually, a dictatorial style of government which will encompass even the strongest of nations, for they will be brought down to third world status and chaos will ensue. That can be the only way in the end where all will call upon a false "Saviour" and hand over freedom in order to have 'peace'. Yeah...peace....let's all get together and be peaceful.
Many a patriot will stand and fight for his or her rights. Some with words, some with weapons. Many are learning survivalist methods just in case the economy falls apart completely. They will hoard gold and silver for trading, they will collect guns and ammo for self defense and learn to fight . All of these things are good. They are needed without a doubt. Yet when will they be needed? When is the line in the sand drawn? In looking about us, it is easy to say that especially since 911, the New Order of the Ages has tried to take hold with breakneck speed. Many of us are waiting for that line in the sand to become more evident. With each new year and new administration, it seems that the globalist noose is tightening around the populace and yet , so many only sit back in their loungers and flick the remote control as advertisements and entertaining shows gloss over the truth.
The bureaucracies that are the arms and feet of the 'System' are expanding their hold on local governments. Ever-helpful FEMA has been trying very hard to make sure that there are plenty of mass graves around in parts of Illinois, Arizona, Georgia and Indiana....just in case there should be some awful, cataclysmic event. Homeland Security is keeping us all safe by forming neighborhood rat patrols, that way, if you step out of line, Big Brother Jr. can make sure it never happens again. Of course now, we have that lovely, little addition in legislation HR 1388/S 277 . Now we can be patriotic Americans by mandatorally 'volunteering' ....whether we want to or not. Like a bad joke, the House has passed this ridiculous piece of legislation and wants the Senate to follow suit.! Banks are turning into government treasure troves. The government must control things since the banks can't seem to get a grip on the economy!
What do the states do? They decide we've enough of these controlling forces, let's reiterate the 10th Amendment...make sure the Feds know we mean business. Well, repeating in bill form what is already in the U.S. Constitution is nice , it placates the angry populace and at some point educates those that had no idea that whatever powers are not enumerated in the document, remain within the states. Yet, I have to ask...if it's there....why not just grab hold of it and use it. Why re-write what is already written?
Abuses are here but how long do we sit by and await that perfect moment when our own survival, our own freedoms will be taken back .....and can they be? With what force do we take that step? I hear talk of militia groups forming....I hear of individuals getting angry and wanting to resist governmental control...GOOD! We need to keep talking, we need to keep working. Will we be tracked? Spied on? Maybe even physically threatened? I would most certainly expect all of the above. I say if the ears and eyes of the Elites want a show, then give them one! I have no easy answers to offer. I don't believe there are any.
When 15 year old boys can be tasered to death by police for fighting with their peers we can only assume that there will indeed be trouble on our doorstep. How we handle it is an individual decision. Personally, I would have to hide my face from my children if I thought I would back down and submit to Fascism without a good fight (and what we see here is definitely Fascism) . I want to resist and I pray that as my children grow, if they have a future...they will resist as well. Freedom fighting like faith, begins at home and when the government's tentacles begin to stretch even more than before, our responsibility is to hack them off viciously and vigorously and to keep them from growing back again. Now would be a good time to start.