The Simple Solution -- the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution
Yes, there is a simple solution and one that can unite everyone. It can provide the direction and purpose of all the protests and it can include all types of protesters from the most radical to the most reactionary all those who believe in the American way and the United States Constitution and are unhappy with how Washington is handling our affairs.
The public's reactions and motivation needs to be focused and directed to the correct solution. Opportunity has raised its hand and proclaimed NOW is the time to make that "change". The change promised by politicians who get elected and yet do not deliver there promises to the electorate- we the people.
People want to see a government based on reason, American values, and in accord with public will for the general welfare that follows the Declaration of Independence that states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-"
That is the pivotal issue. Who are the governed. The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution makes is clear what that means: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and wherein they reside."
Citizens are people, flesh and blood human beings. Citizens vote, raise families, pay taxes, drive cars and play games. Citizens are NOT businesses, limited partnerships, S Corps, or corporations. These are business fictions created by citizens to control and utilize money, competition, personnel and create protectionism.
No where in the Unites States Constitution is the term person used except to denote a human being never to denote a business arrangements such as a corporation.
Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts is holding true to his baseball analogy he used during his appointment of wanting to be the "umpire." Umpires call the final play and even if they are 100% wrong in their call and the baseball fans yell out in chorus, "Kill the umpire." The umpire looks back and says, "The call stays even though I am proven wrong because I'm the umpire. That's baseball."
That should not be government. Fortunately the Founding Fathers were aware of this kind of nonsense and developed a brilliant system of checks and balances to stop one arm of the government going against reason without an option to reverse the wrong action.
It's a beautiful system and it worked then and it can work now.
The simple solution is now possible through an act of Congress to overcome this blatant misuse of the term person to include a the term "corporation".
The simple solution also brings government back into the hands if its citizens where it rightfully belongs.
The simple solution is attainable because it is a true test of who is a friend of the people, electorate, the citizens and who is not a friend, but an enemy of the people.
The simple solution binds all the disenfranchised groups together. It gives purpose and direction. It gives fire and will to protests. It educates and strengthens the United States Constitution and gives vigor to its citizens. It renews the zeal and power of the electorate
The simple solution brings unity to the country and democracy back to the Halls of Congress and ensures government by the people, for the people and sets this country into the direction it needs reflecting the values , creativity, and strength of this nation.
The simple solution weeds out the Cocktail Part from the Tea Party. It weeds out the exploiter of all political parties that seek goals contrary to the welfare of the people of this nation. It makes for truthful, open government based upon the real issues of our times.
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