Just pass a cheater tax.
If you are an industry, now that the Supreme Court has given corporations the status of human beings, and you pollute the only environment money can't buy, you get to pay 100% of the cost of the clean up. In addition, you would be taxed another 100% of the clean up costs. If you did not show a profit for the year, a tax lien on your property would be instituted. This is all part of treating corporations like human beings.
When the Goldman Boys destroy the economy to make their quota and qualify for bonuses, the required tax would be the total amount of financial damage, foreign and domestic, divided by the number of cheaters. Would it be possible for a "cheater" employee or representative to owe more than they have stolen over the course of a year? The answer is Palin's favorite response, and it is in the form of an affirmation.
Should the committee on foreign affairs get us into a wrong war at the right time, for certain corporations, simply compute the monetary value of all the death from both sides; add the total destruction relating to all parties concerned; and divide the sum by the number of committee members and designated lobbyists. For the additional environmental impact of the war, go after all businesses, family wealth and hidden bank accounts by all purpretrators concerned.
To create a Real Single Payer Health Care System in America, just follow the money from all of the denied claims of the Health Care-not Industry. Take away the assets of the corporations, the executives and the shareholders who forgot that life liberty and the pursuit of happiness was also about other people; not just the corporations which call themselves people. The lawmakers, who created the loopholes, should have their pensions and retirement funds attached. All this would create a lasting pool of financial resources for Single payer; and with the clear and present future bonding of politicians and corporations, additional taxation will be both a right and a privilege.
Follow the money of the real estate bubble, and place a cheater tax on all companies, governments, and banks which have profited from conception to fruition. Shouldn't packaging nothing, watering it down, and selling it off as a safe investment have certain tax ramifications? All those sub-prime casualties - they just couldn't afford the highest of interest rates - being unemployed and all. Go back to the cheaters and simply tax them triple the tax rates of everyone else. If they are not working - tax them anyway.
If a political representative of our great nation has in anyway favored Wall Street over his or her constituency, a special tax should be relegated for them in the future. Because they are the playground where true lies are uncovered and because they provide most of the cover for the cheaters in the guise of new, or simply unenforced laws, they should not be allowed an unfair tax advantage. A simple 50% tax on all employment, appearances, speeches, and stock options for any corporation they may have sold out to would be a justifiable return on all the bailout money Americans are waiting to be paid back. I do not envision ever having a surplus.
Although the cheater tax will not reform our society entirely, it will cut down on the building, care and maintenance of Country Club Jails. Who would risk their life's pillaging anymore? If it would all have to be returned in the form of taxation.
The cheater tax would eliminate lobbying, predatory lending, insurance companies - all of them, monopolies, theocracies, and by eliminating all of the above - it would almost eliminate bureaucracies.
O.K. If you didn't know already, bureaucracies are institutions which slow money down for easy looting and slow the speed of service so that those needing service might die and decrease the need for an inefficient response.
The primary season is upon us. Please challenge all parties concerned with taking a position on the Cheater Amendment. I suspect those who are young, gifted and talented, with nothing to lose, will endorse it. Isn't that what we thought we were getting in the White House?