Hisham Matar, whose own father disappeared after being imprisoned and tortured under the Libyan Dictator Ghadaffi, has been telling Europeans for years to stop supporting the Libyan Hitler (Ghadaffi), but Europe until now has only played an appeasement game with the Libyan Regime for over a decade. Europe needs to grow up and even provide undercover support for the 6 million victims (the civilian population in Libya).
Matar stated yesterday, "But as far as Europe is concerned, I think there's kind of ... saying all the right things, but very low on action, I think all that says much more about the corrupt nature of the relationship between Europe, America and the Gaddafi regime than it does about Europe and America, actually. It says much more about that very strange relationship that they've had, a kind of a parasitic relationship, in which they were prepared to do business and therefore strengthen the legitimacy, but also the power, of this regime that was oppressing its people and killing its people and funding, you know, various different terrible projects abroad. "
Already over 1000 people have been assasinated by Ghaddaffi thugs and allies from neighboring countries, such as Chad. America and Asia also need to speak the truth about Ghadaffi's regime and call it Hitler-like. Listen to Matar's narration on Democracy Now.--KAS
Part 1:
Part 2:
or click on http://www.democracynow.org/2011/2/23/were_witnessing_the_violent_lashings_of