Russian Cigarettes
(Image by Picture credit: here;imgrefurl=;h=162&w=200&sz=14&tbnid=b6tTLv27ls1W8M:&tbnh=84&tbnw=104&zoom=1&usg=__wzCJ2UTvnIadKJLPPgt7WFppgtk=&docid=sgesdwKgaBx1zM&sa=X&ei=sCJ0) Details DMCA
Russian Cigarettes by Picture credit
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Romney borrows Bain start money from El Salvadoran death-squad elites and now this?
And voters think that Romney truly cares about them?
These stories reveal the insidious "profit above principle" side of Romney. They also cast a light upon those who will overlook these facts and nevertheless vote for him.
Instead of profiting from selling cigarettes to the Russian nicotine-addicted he is now is profiting from selling lies to the American Dream-addicted.
"Smoke 'em if you got 'em!"