"So ladies and
gentlemen, your liberties are in danger because read the Bible about Sodom and
Gomorrah. That's where the term comes from, Sodom."
"Look what happened to Sodom. After a while, there wasn't any other way, and God did something pretty drastic."
-Pat Robertson, responding to SCOTUS marriage
equality rulings.
Prepping for Gay Pride
in San Francisco could be angst-ridden if it weren't for the anticipation of
seeing hundreds of thousands of joyous people. What to wear, for example:
should we go "trashy" or camouflaged in rainbow colors (in
rhinestones, of course, to please the tourists)? Should we bake in the hot sun
at the start of the parade down at San Francisco's Embarcadero or should we
cool it in the shade of Civic Center buildings? We'll have to wrap up quarters
in dollar bills, of course - to thrown onto the rainbow flag for the AIDS
Emergency Fund. And we'll have to arm ourselves with cameras for pics of those
poor hunks on the floats. (I've been in the parade on a float several times and
can tell you that it isn't exactly the joy ride people think it because it can
be exhausting waving, smiling, bumping, grinding for up to three hours. Many of
the people on the floats just want to go home afterwards.)
But it's not the
floats, nor the music, nor the slogans that make the parade, but the people
(OK, and the hunks): they are the most fun-loving, joyous, considerate people
ever congregated to celebrate freedom and diversity.
And this year there
may be an epic turnout: it may reach over one million joyous people.
All because of SCOTUS
... and Pat Robertson.
San Francisco has
always been considered the Sodom of America - Castro Street being it's REAL
center - so it's natural to relate San Francisco to Pat Robertson's latest
comment about the SCOTUS rulings to SF and its annual love fest. Now we have to
figure out what kind of outfit goes with fire and brimstone.*
And there will be a
great many people this year: estimates range up to one million - numbers
energized by SCOTUS' rulings and people wanting to see the great F&B light
show Pat Robertson is so hoping will happen. Of course, there are other people
and organizations that have chimed in about forthcoming the catastrophic
results: hundreds have wailed to the tune of "This is the end of
civilization." Prayer rallies to counteract the rulings and pray that
Obama will not throw dissenting Christians in jail are all the rage this
And In The
"You've Got To Be Kidding" Category ...
The Family Research just released their new ad for a prayer rally this Sunday (during the parade) to counteract the SCOTUS rulings. The phraseology and symbolism is so lost on the FRC, that it is going viral for laughs. It could actually be a great Pride Sunday poster: just as good as hot, muscular, hairy, sweaty dancing men, it promises a good fellatio time for all:
The most unfortunate anti-gay logo and slogan in the history of politics - Americablog
WTF? Who thought this was a good idea? Are
there secretly pro-gay people, maybe clever queens in their midst undermining
their anti-LGBTQ message? I only ask because the last hater push using catchy
interwebs slang was from NOM and called 2M4M -- meaning, "two million for
marriage." Except 2M4M is actually personal ad-speak for a gay couple looking
for a menage-a-trois! Ooh
la-la! Firedog
Now, sexually charged print errors have been
made in the past,** but this is not a print error. It's still on the FRC site.
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