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"Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice to Deceive" The (un)Democratic New York Primary

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Message Alison Landes
U.S. Attorney for Southern New York Preet Bharara Requested to Lead Drive for Redo of New York Primary

Eric Schneiderman was copied on that letter as we had initially directed a moveon.org petition to him, and in light of the severity of the situation, we regretfully received no response at all. Although we know these things take time, the response from Preet Bharara's office has not been any more promising. Since the all important California Primary has also been indefensibly compromised, I am simultaneously submitting this letter to Opednews for publication.

Hoping that your office will tackle this challenge, however based on the responses we've gotten to date, advocates for justice will also be contacting superdelegates to voice their concerns.

I am not submitting this letter to the news media or the Associated Press, as we have been contacting both and find them to be lackadaisical at best, and at worst, tacitly complicit with the DNC political machinery, blacking out any fair coverage of the Sanders Campaign or the corrupt New York Primary. These are of course different factors, each separately actionable, but I wanted you to have the full overall picture of an entirely rigged election in this primary series, not just limited to New York, but most egregious in the Empire State.

Originally a resident of New York and residing in Florida since 1992, I witnessed firsthand the stolen election in 2000. The 2016 New York Primary prompted me to write

Stolen: The New York Primary 2016: Deja Vu of the 2000 Election.

The 2016 Primary season on the Democratic side is very large in scale, reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific and beyond. The more I delved into on-line searches, the connections and interconnections seemed endless.

There is no guarantee the end result will be any different with your office, but as of this moment I have not turned up anything comparable to Attorney General of New York, Eric Schneiderman being a member of Clinton's New York Leadership Council or Preet Bharara being recommended to Barack Obama in 2009 by U.S. Senator Charles "Chuck" Schumer of New York.

When I read that Hillary Clinton thus far has failed to say whether she would ask Mr. Bharara to stay on were she to win, I considered that there is a demonstrable possibility that Mr. Bharara would be unafraid to step out and investigate the unsavory goings on in numerous districts during
the New York Primary.

I read several articles in Wall Street on Parade, a financial news site filled with in-depth and fascinating articles created and maintained by Russ and Pam Martens.

New Book: Senator Schumer Was Regular Visitor to Madoff

How High Up Did the Madoff Fraud Go at JPMorgan?

This is the most important of their articles: A Harvard MBA Guy is Out to Bring Down the Clintons

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Alison Landes has a multi-faceted host of experiences to draw from over decades of working in marketing communications, education and health care advocacy.

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