Read to: (low volume)
Manifestation in the constellations
The wisdom of the soul's rebirth
This is the most perilous
Kinds of forces that shaped our brains
Time you were blindfolded
Strangers in an elevator
Those who eat less red flesh
One might also use food rewards
The name of some street
There is no sure way
Mastery of renewal
He is framed by his heart
Incapable of doing anything at all
Through his vital breaths
Floating whale carcasses
But if we listen all along the way
This hundred-mile radius
A somewhat different skill
Missing him by inches
His kin gather and ask
He is framed by his heart
A resource for sanity
The sound has an abrupt transition
I join your ancient prayer
Tell us which one is best
Behold in the times that come
The death spirit scolds him
What else could its root be?
Reapportionment of powers
We do not see it all
He is not the same in each place
Therefore they are named
Out of the sky and out of the sun
Rivers flow from the snowy mountains
Much follows upon this
Placing boundary markers in new places
Infuse it with a little humor
Angered by the teasing voice
The bomb's gift for us
After you finish your lentils
Close your eyes for a moment
Sitting in a circle is wise
Cradling is appropriate at this stage
Our notions of what power is
This has happened
Chance was one of his tools
Atoms, cells, plants, people, societies
Gently laying down that hand
A second scene now unfolds
Difficulty in speaking or not speaking
Our century-old view of reality
This plant is called "herb of life"
Raspberry leaf tea has been recommended
Headaches in the base of the brain
I went back in time in circles
This is not a mystical thing
I have not heard a single reference to Heaven
When life hangs in the balance
Sounds are a power in dreams
I join your ancient prayer
Those feelings vanished
About the traveler in the dim coolness
Initiated by his readings
An echo that seemed to get further away
I was only a child when it happened
Each telling adds details
The farmer equated reading with loafing
She was talking and talking about all these deities
A blast of red behind the black silhouette
There is nothing that I feel I have to do
I with thee and thou with me
After you finish your lentils
Books Used:
A Fire in the Mind Stephen and Robin Larsen
Life after Death Raymond Moody
Dream Dictionary Tony Crisp
Healing with Herbs Henrietta Rau
Trickster Makes this World Lewis Hyde
The Thirteen Principal Upanishads transl Hume
The Sacred Paw Paul Shepard
Among Whales Roger Payne
Despair and Personal Power in the Nuclear Age J Macy