Jen Psaki 2022.
(Image by Wikipedia (commons.wikimedia.org), Author: The White House) Details Source DMCA
Ok, so this may not be news to many readers, but I feel the need to say that CNN and MSNBC talking heads are shills because it's gotten much worse. Specifically, both CNN and MSNBC have hired a multitude of former Obama and Biden staffers who twist and distort the news particularly when it comes to Joe Biden and his policies.
While the majority of Democrats do not want Biden or Harris as their only choice to vote as a Democrat, the hacks on CNN and MSNBC write off the view of the majority of Democrats, again and again saying that they are not paying attention yet and they'll vote for Joe as a vote against Trump. They they rhapsodize how wonderfully Joe has done on so many issues. As I watch this, another MSNBC talking head hack, waxes sublimely how Joe Biden "does accomplishes more in one day than Trump did in his whole presidency."
The reality is, Joe is the opposite of charismatic, and he is so bad at that aspect of leadership that his actual accomplishments are not appreciated or weighed as significant in the public's balancing of their perceptions of who Biden is. To them he is too old, pathetically weak on dealing with Israel and Netanyahu, and even too weak on women's rights to abortion.
These shills are really not serving Biden alone. They are serving the insiders who run the Democratic party and, many believe, the policies that Joe Biden signs off on that insiders write up for him, in the White House. That makes them part. of a conspiracy to totally block the Democratic process in the Democratic presidential primary.
All the while that these shills have, for the past year, presented the inevitability of Joe Biden as the only candidate to run against Trump, Joe Biden's support has continued to plummet. The reality is, these shills and the power base they are empowering, are part of a conspiracy to prevent a truly fair, democratic primary. I have no doubt that Obama played a role in stifling any interest in running in the primary.
There is a growing opinion that Biden will drop out at or shortly beforethe Democratic convention. If that happens, then the Biden delegates, who I believe will primarily be neoliberal, centrist Democratic insiders, will be able to select a candidate who has never won a primary, who the American people never had a chance to vet. Americans will be forced to vote for someone who never went through the Democratic process.
If you don't want Biden, the least you can do, is when you vote in your primary, don't vote for him. Vote for no choice, or vote for another democratic candidate, or leave the presidential slot blank. Send a message similar to the one voters in Michigan sent. It is a strong way to send a message to the idiots leading the Democratic party.