It's Time to Make Them Afraid of Us, Again. But let's not call it a Revolution. That word just leads to, well, bad things.
The people will never be able to get their power returned until we wrest it from cold greedy hands.
Well, it really needs to be said. Finally, emphatically, with passion, and without fear. So, what the hell, I'll say it.
We must find out who they are: Investment Bank Executives, Insurance Company CEO's, Hedge fund managers, Oil Company executives. Pharmaceutical companies. How about some powerful lobbying firms and their operators. MSM outlets maybe?
And some high profile enablers". US Chamber of Commerce, Heritage Foundation, Freedom Works?
As for our politicians? Our "elected" representative? Skip them - go for their Party Leaders, big fund raisers, contribution bundlers. Other suggestions are encouraged.
Find out where they live, what they drive, where they vacation. Skip their offices, the security is tighter there. Their restaurants or bars? Country Clubs?
Yes, they need to know we're looking for them. And here is the Dick Cheney answer - "SO?" President Obama told them he was the only thing standing in between "them" and "us"
Obama's capitulation to big money and his dismissive attitude to the poeple who believed (we "lefties" are a hopeful bunch). Too bad we placed our loyalty in Democrats. We've been used, again.
So, it is just about the right time to -GO THERE and GET THEM.
Call the local media FIRST. Let them know we're coming.
Sit down comfortably on our $5.99 Wal-Mart plastic lawn chairs. Right there in front of their homes, by their cars in parking lots, or at the front entrances of their Gated Communities.
A pitcher of iced tea and a bucket of chicken would be good too. Please don't litter. Bring your dog if it's well behaved. No Biting!
Just a sign "We Are Coming For You" and silence.
Wait for the Police to come (and they will) to get us. Then speak your mind - loudly. As clearly as possible, but if you get a bit frenzied, well, go right ahead.
They already think we are crazy, let's really prove it. Demented folk are scary. No progress in being sensible anymore. And haven't we been NICE about it? How has that been working for us so far?
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