To tell you the truth, I almost forgot about Dexter. But when I
clicked the Care2 news network - #5 on the list of the most
commented stories - "Dexter's Killer Goes to Jail" it rang a bell.
How could I have fogotten about him and his brother when I know
that I had either written about their sad story or at least e-mailed
a link about it to friends last year.
Yes, justice is slow, but I'm truly glad that finally Dexter and
his brother have derived a measure of justice from the court
system. In most of our opinions -not nearly enough for this woman's
dastardly crime, but there was a time when kitten killers like Wilana
Frazier would probably even go scot free and not even be considered
worthy of the court's time. Thank God, things have changed and today
animal cruelty is a punishable offense in most states if not all.
Dexter and his brother "Drake" had been playing in a park when
Wilana Frazier and her two children spied them. Instead of telling
her children to pick up and play with these cute little kittens, she
took an aluminim bat and began striking them again and again. She
even encouraged one of her young boys to join her.
Finally afer months of status check hearings and delays, on June
12th of this year Frazier was found guilty of the abominable crime
that led to Dexter's eventual death. Drake had died at the scene,
but Dexter was rescued by some children. But despite valiant attempts
to save him, he too would die from this brutal beating.
An advocate for Dexter had attended every court session throughout
the case. On June 12th of the year, the jury found Wilana Frazier
guilty in the Dexter Kitten Case. She had previously turned down a
plea deal that would have gotten her a year when she could have
gotten as much as 12 years behind bars.
But at the sentencing she was only given a year - much too lenient
in many of our opinions. After her year of incarceration, she will
undergo five years of probation, plus 100 hours of community service
and a lifetime ban on owning a pet or living with someone who has a
Hernando County Circuit Judge Daniel B. Merrit Jr. called the crime
abhorrent. He drove home his point by telling Frazier she should
not even be allowed to have a pet rock. The court suggested that
her community service should include cleaning out cages at an animal
shelter, but did not mandate it noting that the shelters may not even
want her.
You may want to go to the internet where their is a picture of Dexter
as well as his killer being handcuffed. There is also a video re some
of the proceedings. What I found almost unbelievable though is that
this 25 year-old mother of four with another child on the way entered
a plea for leniency without even admitting guilt.
She said that she just wanted to go home to her family and raise her
children. Her own words - "I would ask for you to give me another chance,
please. I just want to go back home to my family and my kids and raise
them the right way."
Unbelievable -her last remark about raising her kids the "right way"
when she firmly DENIES any involvment in the brutal attacks. I feel
sorry for her children. How can they learn "the right way" from a
mother who herself doesn't know the "right way?"
This incident of cruelty occurred on June 10, 2011 at the Hill'n Dale
Park in Brooksville, Fl, as children played. Dexter's brother "Drake"
died at the scene from the vicious beating with the bat. Dexter was
rescued by some children after he was also horribly brutalized. He
was taken to PetLuv Spay and Neuter Clinic.
His story became known world wide and every one who knew about Dexter
was hoping that he would rally. This sweet kitten was adopted by the
vet tech who cared for him, but it was finally decided to release him
from his suffering. This sweet little life had now become gripped
with seizures caused by head trauma.
God bless the brave three children who testified at the trial as eye-
witnesses. They are credited with convincing the jury of Frazier's guilt.
Though she has gotten off with a relatively small sentence, she will
not be able to escape her legacy. Her face is now on the internet and
video. Sadly, we will never know why she did this cruel act because
she doesn't even accept responsibility for it.