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I Dedicate This Labor Day to . . .

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Restore the American Dream? Is it with or without work? Is it Eden,
the middle class, or Rodeo Drive?

That's B, "the middle class." That's what Restoring the American Dream
is all about. Returning to that economic class that supports a healthy
economy while striving ever for more. It's a Progressive movement striving for upward, not downward mobility. It wants to progress.

You buzzed in too quickly. We all want to be as rich as Solomon and as wise as well. Am I correct?

Though now, as we are humbled, we reach for less. No more Joneses. Only a few greedy, heartless grunts and a lot of poor people.

It's to them, those grinding their knuckles down to the bone for a pittance that won't even buy health insurance, even now, that we must turn this Labor Day and weep.

The American Nightmare. 


The only thing that I might add here is that Republicans like Eric Cantor
will complain about unemployment insurance as encouraging laziness.

But what happens when the unemployed regain hope after the shock of being laid off and look for work and find none?

You can't have it both ways, Eric. Either give them unemployment (as in "compensation") or give them work.

Is Warren Buffet today's Solomon, begging for higher taxes? Sort of. He sure lives simply, though.

Hats off to the former middle class. May you rise again and once more aspire,
to whatever your hearts and minds desire.





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Marta Steele is an author/editor/blogger who has been writing for Opednews.com since 2006. She is also author of the 2012 book "Grassroots, Geeks, Pros, and Pols: The Election Integrity Movement's Nonstop Battle to Win Back the People's Vote, (more...)

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