Recently, Brits were warned about a Russian sub 'intercepted' as it passed through the English Channel. The sub was in full view on the surface, its sailors waving to people on shore.

The White Cliffs of Dover (NT) 19-04-2012 that refugees aspire to reach.
(Image by Karen Roe) Details DMCA
Today, RT reports that desperate refugees trying to get to Great Britain from France have abandoned the all but impossible 'Chunnel' route and started crossing in dinghies. The narrowest passage between the two countries is the one between Dunkirk and Dover, by which British soldiers were famously evacuated in June of 1940 as German troops advanced into France.
The big difference of course is that then, the French and the British governments were cooperating to get people safely across the Channel, whereas now their fractious cooperation is directed at preventing people from getting from one country to the other. Brits have even volunteered to man look-out points along the coast to signal suspicious dinghies to the British Navy, so they can be intercepted.
As France bans cafes from broadcasting the World Soccer Cup matches currently under way, setting up giant screen 'watching areas' under security control, we wonder why ISIS is still attracting recruits" - and when Europe will finally realize who its enemies and friends are.