Without a doubt, Tony Perkins of Family Research Council envisions himself as the intelligent robot (with a kind of human mind/soul) of TV campdom's Lost In Space. His latest alarm must be the 1000th time he has described the institution of marriage as being in danger. The repeal of DOMA is, of course, "catastrophic" and is yet another instance of proof of the evil "homosexual Left" and the "homosexual agenda."
The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is in danger!
The homosexual Left will be able to bring the weight of the federal government down on anyone who refuses to go along with counterfeit marriage and the rest of the homosexual "rights" campaign.
UPDATE: Perkins and Byran Fischer (American Family Association) have lambasted Home Depot for advancing the "agenda.":
Is it Home Depot or Homo Depot? After the month of sponsoring gay pride parades, no one's sure. Hello, I'm Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. People who shop at Home Depot ought to drill down on where their money's going. In June, a big chunk was spent promoting homosexuality to children. At gay pride events in five states, the hardware chain hosted special kids' workshops.
So now the AFA has called for a boycott of Home Depot. Ho Hum. Then again...
It all seems so ridiculous, but
... when you get to the heart of the matter, the actual danger rests
in the relentless drive of Christofascists such as Perkins in
demonizing people: Tony Perkins and his band of merry malcontents become more like "The Four Horsemen of The Homosexual Agenda."
Perkins & Company build most of the Christian Rights' illusions on the "homosexual agenda", but what is it exactly? None of my friends know. I tried looking up the term, and, oddly enough, only came up with Right Wingnut references to it, but not anything substantial on its actual definition or origins. Frustrated, I finally went to that bastion of unbiased truth, Conservapedia.com:
The Homosexual Agenda, or homosexual ideology, consists of a set of beliefs and objectives designed to promote and even mandate acceptance and approval of homosexuality, and the strategies used to implement such. This article notes that the goals and means of this movement include indoctrinating students in public school, restricting the free speech of opposition, obtaining special treatment for homosexuals, distorting Biblical teaching and science, and interfering with freedom of association.
Among all the liberal belief systems, the homosexual ideology is the most self-centered or selfish. Liberals generally give much less than conservatives to charity, but gay charity work in particular is virtually non-existent.
That reaction you've just felt from reading the last sentence is treatable with a prescription drug called Granisetron, but please see your doctor before using it.
To be fair, the writer of
the definition was probably on another plane of consciousness during
the Age of AIDS; while Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson were thanking
God for the "gay plague" hundreds of thousands of gays were giving
their money, their time, and their very lives to help the plague's
victims. They even made quilts (see below). And ribbons. Yeah, the ones
that got trendy and morphed into other colors for other diseases.
So now we know that (in the minds of Perkins et al) what drives the "homosexual agenda" is pure selfishness and that its basic tenets are to mandate acceptance, indoctrinate students in public school,s restrict free speech, obtain special treatment and "interfere with freedom of association" (whatever that means). The homosexual agenda means gays are out to recruit your children into a totally decadent lifestyle and if you say one word against it, you'll be thrown in jail. In other words, it means the end of the family unit. It means the end of the world. And the Four Horsemen of the Homosexual Agenda come as a warning of man's potential destruction.
But how was this "agenda" exposed? Well, don't strain the brain too much: it was documented in an oh-so-reliable-and-educated way, with a documentary produced by... The Family Research Council! But back then it was simply called "The Gay Agenda."
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