There have been rumblings coming from Washington alluding to the idea that the government has plans to cut Social Security. The people who are touting this idea better think long and hard about instituting such draconian measures. I doubt that there are too many Americans that will give up the money that they have paid into the Social Security system so that you can finance your grand plan for American military dominance.
We all know what Washington has become. It has become the Goliath of the World in terms of military strength. What most of our leaders don't know is that the majority of Americans doesn't want this and will not put their economic well being in order to have military hegemony over the Earth.
If you need to cut the budget, then cut the military. We don't need 800 military bases across the globe. We don't need a flotilla of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers to threaten those that we see as adversaries. I'd like to clue you in to something else. Many Americans aren't buying into the "official" story of 9/11. We don't consider Muslims to be the great Satan. Get over it.
If you really want to protect our borders, get rid of The Department of Homeland Security and leave the protection of the United States to the Armed Forces. Bring them back from Afghanistan and Iraq and god knows where else you have them. Use the Reserves and National Guard. This war on the rest of the World is getting tiresome. Who do you think we are, Nazi Germany?
It's time that this government got its priorities straight. We will never repeat the economic miracle of yesteryear if we don't produce anything. The cost of transportation is expected to rise exponentially. Just how do we expect to pay for steel from countries that must ship it to us? Maybe it's time to start revamping or building new steel mills.
Cutting Social Security will cause massive riots in the streets. Do you foresee this? Is this what you envision? This is not an "entitlement program". We paid into Social Security and cutting it is theft. Do you plan to be elected in 2012? If Social Security is cut, no Democrat or Republican will be President. Mark my words. You are playing with fire here. A fire that you won't be able to quench.