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America's Corpocracy and its Finite Power

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Since the legislative branch of government is indebted to corporate America, opponents of the corpocracy can hardly expect any significant help from legislators to start dismantling it, although there have been a few legislative initiatives with limited implementation and impact.

Given public outcries over the US Supreme Court ruling in the Citizen's United case purportedly giving Constitutional rights to corporations, a proposal was introduced a few years ago in Congress to overturn that ruling. It was soundly defeated. But it was irrelevant anyway. Corporations already had Constitutional rights before the ruling (e.g., corporations' rights to due process and to be free from unreasonable searches), and a Constitutional Amendment in any case is not needed "to restore the traditional limits on court jurisdiction over the political question of private money in elections."24

As the obvious has already been noted, US presidents are members of the corpocracy's power elite. Congress, with some of its members being members in good standing of the same power elite, has the authority to impeach US presidents for unconstitutional acts. Two U.S. Presidents have been impeached by the House of Representatives--Andrew Johnson in 1868 for conspiring to assist Britain in capturing Spanish territory, and Bill Clinton in 1998 for perjury and obstruction of justice over his sexual misconduct but both presidents were later acquitted at trials held by the Senate. Jackson was the only case where Congress decided his militaristic imperialism violated the Constitution. US presidents have always been free to be surrogate murderers at will (Einstein said all war is an act of murder, and one wag said killing one is an act of murder and killing hundreds of thousands is foreign policy).

Taking the Corpocracy to Court

In times of an American Corpocracy, the law falls silent.

--- Cicero 100BC-43BC paraphrased

Here are some of those laws:

First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eight Amendments

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

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Retired organizational psychologist.

Author of "911!", The Devil's Marriage: Break Up the Corpocracy or Leave Democracy in the Lur ch; America's Oldest Professions: Warring and Spying; and Corporate Reckoning Ahead.

I may be (more...)
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