Do you remember there were days during both the Obama and Bush administration when the name of the President went virtually unuttered? Even as the media has always been derelict in its duty with issues that matter most to most Americans, there was at least some oxygen left to get issues that mattered out.
Donald Trump is all consuming. And in the two years he has played president nothing of substance other than the theft, the wealth transfer to the least deserving, the billionaires that pilfer us most.
We will talk about real issues today. I will touch on what I think the economy should look like.
Egberto Willies is a political activist, author, political blogger, radio show host, business owner, software developer, web designer, and mechanical engineer in Kingwood, TX. Visit his podcast here. Egberto is an ardent Liberal that believes tolerance is essential. His favorite phrase is "political involvement should be a requirement for citizenship". He believes that we must get away from the current policies that reward those who simply move money/capital and produce nothing tangible for our society. If a change in policy does not occur, America will be no different than many (more...)