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Syringe and Vaccine, From FlickrPhotos
44% of Republicans Believe Bill Gates Will Use the Coronavirus Vaccine to Implant a Tracking Microchip A new survey by Yahoo News and YouGov has found that 44% of Republicans believe that Bill Gates will use the COVID-19 vaccination to implant a location-tracking microchip into the vaccine recipient, a conspiracy theory that has gained traction among fringe groups and conservative pundits. The survey also found that 26% of Republicans do not believe the false microchip vaccine narrative, while 31% remained undecided on the... 3 3 Comment Count

FAQs About Exit Polling and Why John Kerry Won the 2004 Election by 6 Million Votes Since 2004, Steven F. Freeman has been a leader in exposing vulnerabilities of US election processes and fraud in the recent US elections. His election research has won an award from Project Censored as one of the three most important "censored" stories of 2005. He is the author of, with Joel Bleifuss, Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the Official Count. (New York: Seven... 1 1 Comment Count
Peter Oliver: *Why Electronic Voting is not the same as ELECTRONIC ELECTIONS This article makes the distinction between Electronic Voting and Electronic Elections. Electronic Voting disenfranchises everyone because it destroys evidence and requires trust in the electronic system. ELECTRONIC ELECTION are an Information System which preserves and substantiates the results. It provides evidence and is TRANSPARENT. Choosing the correct model is technical and Constitutional imperative 1 1 Comment Count
Chris Lamb: Who Needs a Democracy When You Have iVotronic Voting Machines? On June 8, 2010, Alvin Greene, who had no campaign staff, no headquarters, no website, and was facing charges for showing online pornography to a college student, defeated an established politician in the South Carolina Democratic Senate primary. Greene's victory exposed serious flaws in the state's iVotronic voting machines. Two years later, voters in the state use those same voting machines. 4 4 Comment Count
Ultimate Prediction Software for Intelligent Living, From ImagesAttr
Melissa Cody: HuHub 2012 Humanitarian Software HuHub is a large-scale project designed to be implemented worldwide, to deliver optimal outcomes & decisions for all areas of human life, life-saving methods, resource management, business management, optimized distribution of products & services and act as the user's guide to intelligent living. Thus, HuHub will improve the standard of living as users interact with engaging and informational scientific software.

Joan Brunwasser: Election Integrity Advocates Take On Internet Voting In California I believe that we will block or at least alter the email voting bill that sailed through the Senate.A major difference will be that a small but dedicated network of advocates is organizing opposition to the bill. Calls and emails are pouring into assemblymembers' offices, all opposed.6 years ago,it was difficult just to be heard. Now we are better organized and definitely influencing legislation.We only fail if we quit. 9 9 Comment Count

Joan Brunwasser: Argonne Lab's Head of Vulnerability Assessment Team Disses Election Security If we can have about 15 seconds of access to most security devices (and presumably most voting machines),we can hijack them.This can occur at the factory, in transit, on the loading dock, in storage, while sitting around in the school hallways, etc. Thus, a cradle to grave, secure chain of custody is vital for any security device or voting machine.A chain of custody is a process,not a piece of paper bureaucrats scribble on. 7 7 Comment Count

Joan Brunwasser: SC Republican Commodities Broker Uses FOIA to Investigate Electronic Voting I had no political agenda whatsoever when I began my investigation. Putting party over principle is not healthy for our country in the long run. This is the one issue where everyone should come work together in a non-partisan manner. I would be honored to talk about what I have learned and share with them why our election system desperately needs changing, regardless of whether they were vegetarians or Libertarians. 6 6 Comment Count
Joan Brunwasser: Election Transparency Coalition's Joanne Lukacher Discusses Fallout as New York Struggles With Electronic Voting One of the huge continuing disappointments faced by those of us working on the integrity of election system is that more established, larger organizations whose missions should lead them directly to a platform of true election integrity have not been supportive.They really don't seem to understand that the computers used in op-scan systems are as riggable and hackable and prone to failure as are the DREs. 5 5 Comment Count

Joan Brunwasser: Part Two: Election Defense Alliance's Jonathan Simon with the Timely Lowdown on Our Elections Computers can help us in many ways & will continue to play a major role in our lives--periodic glitches, hacks,and meltdowns notwithstanding. But to blindly and needlessly entrust our nation's elections--particularly its federal elections,which so directly determine our national direction--to private,corporate and partisan enterprises operating and calculating in secret beyond our capacity to observe and validate is insanity.
Joan Brunwasser: Catching Up with Illinois Ballot Integrity Project's Roy Lipscomb Germany& Holland carefully weighed the evidence pro and con,then decided that touch-screen machines were too insecure for a democracy.They were not swayed by arguments of speed or convenience or high-tech glitter,by politics or schmoozing.The crucial factor was the necessity that balloting and vote counting be secure &observable by the public. These machines clearly fail that test. And don't get me started on Internet voting. 6 6 Comment Count
From ImagesAttr
Joan Brunwasser: Election Beat: History is Made in Lyndeborough, NH If you see my smile after the vote, I think that says it all! That definitely goes down as one of the happiest of days for me, but mostly I just feel proud of my town and our wonderful community elections where the vote is seen as sacred and the duty to count it all the more so. As our Town Moderator, Walter Holland says when we come together to count the votes, "these are your neighbors' votes. Handle them with care."
ScottBrown_MarthaCoakley_USSenate_MA2, From ImagesAttr
Joan Brunwasser: Brad Friedman Discusses Role of Diebold in Critical MA Special Election Tuesday It's all about transparency.FIGHT like hell for whatever transparency you can get. If you want a government of the people,by the people and for the people,then the PEOPLE,not the private companies and/or the election officials,need to be able to oversee their own elections to ensure self-governance. Even with the shitty,often-unobservable voting systems we use, there remain many opportunities to oversee the process. USE THEM! 8 8 Comment Count
Joan Brunwasser: Interview with Scoop's Alastair Thompson, Part 2 Nothing concrete is being done even now -and given the track record of the election fraudsters,I would fully expect the 2010 midterms to be compromised.And when you realise that the corrupt election system is also being used to run primary races, you may quickly figure out why even with control of the House and the Senate, Obama is finding it tough going getting his agenda in place. 2 2 Comment Count
Joan Brunwasser: What a good day looks like Parents with children of a certain age will remember Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. And, who hasn't had moments when everything seemed to go wrong? You'll be relieved to know that this article is not about that. On the contrary. I'd like to describe what inadvertently turned out to be a pretty terrific day. Sorry about the red herring; I couldn't resist that title. 2 2 Comment Count
Joan Brunwasser: More Election Stories: Double Trouble 1000s of blind people have been betrayed by those who led us to believe that,by using these machines, we would gain our independence & privacy in the voting booth.Like our sighted brothers&sisters,we can not verify whether our vote has been counted as cast.But,what's more we were led to believe that we would finally have the right to have our vote cast&counted just like everyone else.Little did we know what that actually meant
M. Wizard: Voter Turnout Expected to Be Highest in Decades Voter turnout will be the highest in decades, dwarfing recent presidential elections, experts predict. The only question dividing experts is how huge will it be. Will it be the largest since 1968, largest since 1960 or even, as one expert predicts, the largest in a century? Soaring early voting levels hint at a big turnout, but that could just be the same voters casting ballots earlier instead of more voters hitting the polls.
From ImagesAttr
Rady Ananda: 1936: Counting America's 40,000,000 Votes This 70-yr-old article from Modern Mechanix Hobbies & Inventions peeks at the lever voting machine, and voting systems dating back to ancient Athens. 1 1 Comment Count
M. Wizard: Video The Vote: Play Your Role in Keeping the 2008 Election From Being Stolen Sign up to Video the Vote and join a growing network of Americans working together to monitor and improve our election systems. We are concerned citizens, amateur videographers, voting rights activists, and filmmakers united by a commitment to strengthening democracy through citizen oversight.
Joan Brunwasser: Homer Simpson tries to Vote for Obama (Video) This is a video about the trustworthiness of electronic voting machines. Certainly reminiscent of one that was circulating in 2004 and is in STEALING AMERICA: Vote By Vote and some of the other films. 1 1 Comment Count
Rady Ananda: The 11th Husband; or, Why software is bad for elections HUMOR: A handsome man married a beautiful woman who had previously divorced ten husbands. On their wedding night, she told her new husband, "Please be gentle; I'm still a virgin." 20 20 Comment Count
Mary Mancini: Week 4: What Happens to a Dream Deferred? Nashville, Tennessee businessman, Athan Gibbs, knew that it was not too much for voters to expect their vote to be counted and counted accurately. That's the American way, right?
Margaret Bassett: Costner, Hopper & Swing Vote Swing Vote is a motivational effort which lurches between homespun sentimentality and topical satire, with the moral that echoes the American mythology that one vote can make a difference, even if it is cast by a beer-drinking boob who has just been laid off from his job inspecting eggs. Stars Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper. 1 1 Comment Count
Richard Hayes Phillips: In Defense of Lever Voting Machines I generally make it a point not to publicly criticize election integrity advocates. But these rants against lever voting machines are just plain wrong. I have voted on lever machines in New York State since 1972. I know what they look like; I know how they operate. The misstatements play into the hands of a federal government that has sued New York State to force us to replace our beloved lever machines with computers. 11 11 Comment Count
Rady Ananda: Warning: This Product Is Hazardous To Your Freedom Top shelf; the creme de la creme; the most succinct, in plain English best quotes by computer security experts. Do we really want to vote on this "crap?" 26 26 Comment Count
Rady Ananda: Debunking Pre-Election Testing Myths Debunking myths can be a full time job in the election integrity world. Here are 12 expert quotes on testing election software. Malware (malicious software code) can easily defeat pre-election testing and certification processes: logic and accuracy tests cannot "prove" that software is free of malware. 3 3 Comment Count
Andi Novick: Lever Lawsuit Gears Up; "Stealing America" Premiers Aug. 1st NY gears up for the battle of mechanical levers vs. software driven voting systems. Sequoia's software suffers a statewide failure of 50%; and an 85% failure rate in Nassau County. But NY proceeds with Eyes Wide Shut. Why reject software? See "Stealing America, Vote by Vote," premiering in NYC on August 1st. 1 1 Comment Count
Rady Ananda: 2008 Bibliography of Scientific Studies on Software Driven Voting Systems Bibliography of over 50 scientific studies on software driven voting systems, consulted in preparation for contemplated litigation in New York. 4 4 Comment Count
From ImagesAttr
Rady Ananda: Machining the Vote: A brief history of lever voting machines Bryan Pfaffenberger, PhD, was awarded an NSF grant to study the history of the lever voting machine: In my analysis, the lever machine deserves recognition as one of the most astonishing achievements of American technological genius, a fact that is reflected in their continued competitiveness against recent voting technologies in every accepted performance measure. 10 10 Comment Count
Rady Ananda: Return to paper ballots? Not so fast. History shows that the US gave up paper ballots for good reason, but expert condemnation of electronic voting is bringing them back. Returning to HCPB might work well in areas with lots of oversight, but throughout the US, election systems are inadequately supervised, insufficiently professionalized, and all too often staffed with openly partisan officials. 13 13 Comment Count

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