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Winston Smith

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Winston Smith is an ex-Social Worker. I worked in child welfare, and in medical settings and in homeless settings. In the later our facility was geared as a permanent address for people to apply for welfare. Once they received that we could send them to facilities in which their welfare paid the bill and provided enough for a meager existence. We also referred people to vocational rehabilitation services. Many of the people who came to us were people who were clearly emotionally ill, but Reagan's slashing of the services for these people caused them to become homeless. One woman I dealt with-St. Jane, believed she was in direct communication with God, urinated freely without using the facilities and she had 47 bags of trash which were prized possessions. She got welfare and was sent to a facility were she could survive. The rule was that our facility could be used 1 time only as we had too many people who thought that the services that we provided we would lift them from the dire straights that they were in. Well, we provided our services for St. Jane around Thanksgiving. On Christmas Eve she was back with her 47 bags of trash and wanted to stay at our facility. I informed my superior of this situation, but we declined to provide services for St. Jane. She slept in front of our facility in a snowstorm. The local rag took the picture and excoriated us for what we did. The local welfare department asked her where she would like to live. St. Jane said Chicago because she liked the wind. She knew on one there. She and her 47 bags of trash of were carted onto a train for the windy city and never of again. The local welfare department was glad to get shed of her. Social welfare in the mid-1980's was geared to blame the victim. Ill people were sent home from hospitals were no one was going to help them because social welfare budgets were slashed by Reagan. Bush 41's â"thousand points of lightâ" was just another way to shaft the weakest in our society. Bush 43's faith based initiative was just another attempt to reduce social welfare services. Reagan's â"Just say Noâ" was the pinnacle of hypocrisy. No services for those who desperately needed them under the guise of tough love.

Obviously I became burnt out by too much indifference regarding our weak and weary. I couldn't look at desperate people and could not get myself to say that what I could offer them wouldn't really help themâ"”it would only get them out of my office to be another person's problem, until the local welfare department carted them away.

I had little interest in politics until the illegal Iraq War started. Growing up in the 1960's caused me to understand that the GOP used war to attract right-wing extremists to vote for them. When â"Tricky Dick'sâ" secret plan to end the Vietnam War unfolded into elongating our presence there for 8 years I knew that I would never believe a GOP war-monger again. I dislike Obama's plan to escalate our presence in Afghanistan and see it as a craven attempt to placate the GOP. Maybe he'll reduce the GOP's attacks against him, but it will at the expense of alienating his base.

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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 17, 2009
Too many crises for him to handle, but also too much obfuscation and meekness from Obama! The Democrats want to help the unemployed. Obama's advisers have convinced him that he would be labeled pre-911 thinker if he didn't send more troops to Afghanistan. The GOP is salivating over the quagmire Obama is entering. Every penny spent in Afghanistan can't be spent here. The Afghanis hate the US infidels. Why are we wasting our military youths' lives and spending our treasure in a country whose citizens hate us?
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, December 15, 2009
What is the Huckster-in-Chief Obama Selling? What is Obama selling? He promised "change we can believe in", but hasn't delivered. Obviously he is lying to us and accepting the Nobel Peace Prize is just another example. He isn't fooling our friends and enemies and there are many progressives who see through his act and just wish they could have their vote for this snake oil peddler back. Most interestingly is he trying to sell himself that he isn't a war mongerer?
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, December 12, 2009
It is Obama's war and his tactics are criminal and making us less safe! There isn't a reason to believe that this occupation of Afghanistan will succeed. When you have reasons to doubt the credibilty of your leaders then everything is in doubt.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, December 5, 2009
Did the Republicans leave a booby trap behind? Can't you just see Rove smirking and saying to Bush 43 that starting an occupation in Afghanistan would help them in their goal of creating a permanent GOP advantage? It would be better yet if Bush 43 started it and pretended they were winning and actually left a huge disaster for the Democratic president that had to clean up their mess. Adopting the surge strategy furthers GOP goals.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Meet the new boss--Same as the old boss. He could have emphasized helping the Main Street dwellers, not the Wall Street crooks. His solution for the economy was identical to what the GOP would do as he has redistributed wealth to the top 1%. His involvement in the health care debate has been minimal. He is elongating “GWOT”. What is the difference between the 43rd and 44th President?
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 22, 2009
Any involvement in Afghanistan is futile. Keeping military in Afghanistan is pointless as “you could have 200,000 troops there and Afghanistan will swallow them up as it has done in the past.” Funds spent on reconstruction don't make it out of the corrupt leaders' hands. NATO is planning on a phased withdrawal. We shouldn't be left holding the bag as we were in Iraq again.
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, November 16, 2009
What type of military strategy is needed in Afghanistan? What type of military strategy is needed in Afghanistan? Not any strategy that the leaks say Obama is considering. We need to think less troops in a fourth generation type warfare, if any at all. Obama should declare victory in Afghanistan as LBJ should have in Vietnam and bail out of Afghanistan in a New York minute.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Dithering! Cheney makes dithering remark and the US media is compelled to cover it. Why? He failed in every aspect of GWOT. The proper response to people who are acting poorly is to ignore them as either positive or negative reinforcements encourage them to continue the offensive behavior. I've seen too much of Cheney. The bizarre thing about this is that when he was in office he was in a concealed location and was rarely seen.
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 25, 2009
Why is Obama protecting 43? The Israeli military attacked the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981. The UN Security Council unanimously condemned Israel's action as an illegal use of force. 22 years later Cheney convinced 43 (Bush,Sr.) to follow this tactic. Almost immediately after 43 left office, the Pentagon decided that 43's preemptive wars policy should be reconsidered. If his strongest allies in the Pentagon are turning on 43, why isn't Obama?
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, October 12, 2009
The GOP doesn't care about policies just votes. The policy for Afghanistan is a looming problem and the GOP will spin reality to get their goals accomplished and will be greatly helped by having a mole in place. How many others are out there--in addition to the network of retired military analysts who follow Whitman's orders, and the commander of Nato forces in Afghanistan General McChrystal?
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, October 12, 2009
43 and 1/2. No one yet knows if Obama's policy in Afghanistan will differ much from 43's. Obama is, like 43, bypassing Congress to detain suspects indefinitely. Ominously, it is not clear how broadly Obama will want to define what a suspect is. Obama is willing to keep 43's e-mails--information that the US public has a right to see. Why do we think that Obama will allow Holder's investigation into war crimes go anywhere?
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 10, 2009
The GOP knows how to maximize vast right-wing conspiracy. The GOP knows how to maximize vast right-wing conspiracy. They have been doing it for years. Obama is being assailed from every source in all of his activities. Obama can't even try to bring the Olympics to the US. What can be wrong with that? Obama has to realize that any 43 appointee isn't his ally.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 30, 2009
There is more than Obama's legacy at stake here. There is more than Obama's legacy at stake here. The intended audience of all the GOP tactics this summer was the apathetic red stater who typically lives a life of quiet despair. The GOP by appealing to their baser desires of fear and hatred, have transformed these lost souls who aren't so quiet anymore. If the GOP doesn't control the unruly mobs that their tactics created, who can predict what violence might occur?
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, September 28, 2009
We could descend into violence against a President again. There is the short-term reality that the GOP has an expertly functioning propaganda machine that can cart out drones to yell inane remarks anywhere the leaders want them to. Currently they are savagely attacking Obama's dream of improving health care. Before long the issue won't be health care. It doesn't matter to the GOP because their tactics can be used against any policy. Can they control the hatred they have created?
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, September 12, 2009
What happens to US credibility if Spain finds them guilty and we don't? Obama, the one who trumpeted “Change we can believe in” must act ethically here. He can mouth his reservations about prosecuting those who were defending our country after 9/11, but once Cheney convinced Bush 43 to torture 1 detainee, they were war criminals. Nothing else matters.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, September 10, 2009
Currently the war criminals are shaping the argument. Cheney and his crew are getting their opportunity to spin reality. They committed truly heinous crimes—torturing prisoners, and now the entire GOP is trying to protect them so that they can win a few seats in the upcoming election. We want our good names restored. I don't want to be associated with war criminals. This group of war criminals needs to be brought to justice.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 9, 2009
If I listened to this junk my brain would rot also. If I listened to the Clear Channel and FOX TV junk my brain would rot away also. What happens to a person that makes him want to listen to this hatred all day long? As Mick Jagger wrote “Rape, murder it's just a shot away. Love is just a kiss away”. Somehow I don't see Palin, Beck et al making nice with the Democrats any time soon.
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, September 4, 2009
Currently the war criminals are shaping the argument. Cheney and his crew are getting their opportunity to spin reality. They lied their way into GWOT and as a result of that expansion of executive branch powers they had a chance to commit truly heinous crimes—torturing prisoners, and they couldn't resist. We want our good names restored. I don't want to be associated with war criminals. To accomplish that this group of war criminals needs to be brought to justice.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 26, 2009
You did it to Abu Zubaida! Big bro 43 forced US personnel to torture detainees and now the Taliban has one of our dear soldiers, Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl. The US military is incensed about the Taliban's exploitation of him which the US military alleges is in violation of international law. The Taliban is using this awful situation for propaganda, as had Rumsfeld. A simple axiom related to this is "We can't have it both ways."
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Bush ruined our foreign policy so completely that how can success be achieved? Bush ruined our foreign policy so badly--notably in Iraq and Cheney's illegal assassination ring, that Obama's option are slim to none, and success won't be easy. Throw in their failed domestic policy and the torturing of detainees and Obama has so many atrocities to deal with that you wonder if Rove didn't plan it this way so that Obama was doomed to failure.

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