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Russia is planning to attack Europe

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Russia may well be planning to set its sights far beyond Ukraine and attack European countries as well. The question is, is Europe prepared?

A recent Financial Times article warns of this looming potential dangerous scenario.

"European intelligence agencies have warned their governments that Russia is plotting violent acts of sabotage across the continent as it commits to a course of permanent conflict with the west. Russia has already begun to more actively prepare covert bombings, arson attacks and damage to infrastructure on European soil, directly and via proxies, with little apparent concern about causing civilian fatalities, intelligence officials believe."

While for many years the European Union's focus was on pacifism and the desire to distance itself from military offense or defense requirements, this has now changed. It is now focused on procuring more ammunition, ramping up weapons production, and investing in and coordinating more defense capabilities.

Today, with Russia making significant military advances in the East, Europe realizes it is on the warpath westward. To that effect, European states are increasing their spending in defense and the EU is now focusing on defense, as it aims to protect itself from Russia's threats.

UK-based think tank Chatham House noted recently that Russia's threat is real, with a "much broader, and more serious Russian campaign of sabotage" spanning across Europe. Russia's behavior demonstrates it is preparing for an open conflict with NATO.

And there are few countries in Europe that are not targets.

Moscow is using criminal networks to target Germany, Lithuania, Sweden, Estonia, and Poland, among others.

Russia's threats must be taken seriously.

According to a recent CNN report, President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian forces to rehearse deploying tactical nuclear weapons, as part of military drills to respond to what he called "threats" by the West.

Since invading Ukraine, Putin has repeatedly threatened to use tactical nuclear weapons against the West, but this marks the first time Russia has publicly announced it will carry out such drills.

"During the exercises, a set of measures will be carried out to practice the issues of preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons," Russia's defense ministry said.

Putin's reelection as president now gives him until at least 2030 to act unhindered and do as he please. And if the last decade is any indication, he certainly will.

Putin has already threatened the UK.

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Mr. Lansvin is a strategic advisor on a range of issues for various NGOs and governments around the globe.

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