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The Nuclear Review, Issue#10 by Arn Specter

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The Nuclear Review, Issue#10, April 13,2010, by Arn Specter
This Review consists of 1) Videos and Documentary and 2) Activism
The Documentaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, although extremely unpleasant, are instructive, especially to anyone who has not been privy to those horrendous events perpetrated by the United States's President Truman, 65 years ago; the only atomic bombs ever dropped on human beings in history! Other Videos are about the START Treaty and the current Nuclear Security Review taking place in Washington, DC now.
Of special importance is the Activism section with three current ways we can influence Congress, notably the Senators to ratify the START Treaty; to curb funds for Nuclear development in the upcoming Climate Bill and protest at Vandenberg on June 5- the next missile defense system test projected for the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean region.
More activism currently includes those courageous people who have walked from Tennessee to Harrisburg, since February, for a meeting tonight, with film and speakers to be followed tomorrow morning by a trek to Three Mile Island for demonstrations and protest. Also, activists who ventured to Washington, DC yesterday to hold a Press Conference at the beginning of
President Obama's Nuclear Security Review Conference.
Too, encouragement to all those activists who will be walking to New York by May 1 for the opening of the NPT talks at the United Nations; 4 groups from 1)Tennessee, 2) Philadelphia, 3) Western New York and 4) from New England ( I believe). Let us give them our support on their journey helping to raise the issues of nuclear abolition and non-proliferation, etc.
arn specter, phila. (arnpeace-Twitter)
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Original 1945 Documentary, 5 Parts
Other videos of the Atomic Bombs Used and Tested
Use: on YouTube Search: Nuclear Weapons Test
The Christian Science Monitor, April 2010
(13) Photo Slides on Nuclear Weapons with Text from 1945,,,
Fox News (6 min.) START Nuclear Treaty, April 8, 2010
US and Russia: http:http://www.opednews.com/populum//http://http://www.opednews.com/populum//tinyurl.comhttp://http://www.opednews.com/populum//yd9duqr
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------April 12,2010: Enriched Uranium Going Back to US : Prime Minister of Canada: CBC.CA. VIDEO: http:http://www.opednews.com/populum//http://www.opednews.com/populum//news.yahoo.comhttp://www.opednews.com/populum//videohttp://www.opednews.com/populum//world-15749633http://www.opednews.com/populum//19095539#video=19115867
April 11,2010: Obama Optimistic Over Nuclear Summit, Reuters, VIDEO
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Progress/Spiritual male, 63, lives in Phila. Retired and active on progresive issues; Reducing Military Spending, Nuclear Nonproliferation, Impeachment, Stoping the War , Disarmament, Single-Payer health care, Animal Welfare, Communities Advocate, (more...)
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