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The Last Day and the Advent of Iman Feisel Abdul al-Rauf

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In the Holy Qur'an it is my unfortunate resurrection as the Prodigal Son that Muhammed ( the Blessed Prophet! the Praised One! ) wrote of when he spoke of the "beast of the earth" who would arise on the Last Day; as this is the Last Day of the 7 Last Days of Noah; as when he Shut the Door before the Flood.

But then few know that it is the dead in Christ who rise first who are the clouds on which comes the Son of Man. But then few knew that the Children of the Resurrection would turn out to be the Children of the 60's: and that chosen few who did not marry: nor were they given in marriage; which Annnie Gottlieb might argue as to what this exactly means; but could not deny has more than a coincidental impact from the 144,000 men called "virgins" who make up the collective entity called "the bride; the Lamb's Wife".

How can 144,000 men be the Lamb's Wife one might well ask?

As easily as Moses the servant of God might be called the "wife of Jehovah"; which is why when he came down from the Holy Mountain the second time he put on the veil. Elijah as the Seal of God thus stands at the Altar as "the bride"; but Moses whom God knew "face-to-face" is called that because as the "servant of God" he stands at the throne as what would be called "the wife".

These two met Lord Jesus on Mount hermon as Mount Sion when he went there with Peter and John and James; thus the Lamb appears on Mt. Sion as "the Bridegroom" with the 144,000 as the "Bride"; just as Jesus appeared with Elijah as "the bride of Jehovah" and Moses as "the wife of Jehovah" to speak to Lord jesus as the Son of God about the "bride; the Lamb's Wife" who was to come later.

After all; these two knew full well who the 144,000 virgins would be.

But few can bear the news I bring; even holding the two olive branches; the Gospel; which is the Olive Branch of Love in the right hand of Peace, and the Revelation: which is the Olive Branch of Truth in the left hand of Justice.

Thus did He say; I wound (as the Truth wounds); and I heal (as Love heals ); I kill ( as of Justice ); and I make alive ( as of Peace ).

As Mohammed the servant of Allah said:

"In the Name of Allah; the Merciful; the Compassionate"

But those are the Everlasting Arms of God; as few know who have not known them as Mohammed the Seal of the prophets did...

In the Holy Qur'an at an-Naml 27:82-83 the entire stuation is laid bare; as I will divide mankind into two camps of the believers and the unbelievers; those who can see that Osama bin Laden is the Antichrist as here in the West from the prophecy written of him by the Apostle Paul at II Thessalonians 2:2-5 and those who can see that Osama bin Laden is the Masih ad-Dajjal in the East as was spoken of him by Muhammed in his Hadith and sayings on the subject: for where these Two Witnesses agree is the Foundation to receive the Messiah itself; as the Wrath of the Lamb I therefore reveal this as the precursor to the Last Hour: 2012

: : : :

".....Formerly, what we now call Sufism was a reality without a name;
now it has become a name without a reality... ."
"but for the Elect's sake those days have been shortened: else no flesh could be saved..."

...and God won't forget my enemies.....

The Revealing of the Last 10 Signs: the Unfolding

Some here have said that by revealing that Osama bin Laden is the Masih ad-Dajjal that I am therefore an enemy of Islam; but Allah has told me by mine Ear as by which I am His Hearing to tell the believers
here that they are completely mistaken; as I am not the enemy of Islam but sent as the Envoy of the Lamb who is the Word of Allah who stands in the position as the Child of the Son of Man.
But it is Jedi; or Jedidiah that I return as the Offspring of David; as "Beloved of Jah"; even "Jah Jehovah"; my soul as the bride; the Lamb's
As of the Divine Islam I have eaten of the the Fruit of the Tree of Life which is Unity; thus having eaten of that flesh I touch not women; having drunken of his blood I drink no wine: thus I am a Nazarene of the Divine Islam thatt is revealed at the End of the True Salafs: the Rightly Guided of Allah.
As for Universal Islam I stand in the position of it's Saviour; and if you read of what I have written you will see that the Blessed Olive Tree Muhammed wrote of in the Verse of Light in the Holy Qur'an is Jesus of Nazareth.
I am the Envoy of the Word of Allah; whose name is "the Wrath of the Lamb"; but for Islam we must now see that it is where Muhammed joined Lord Jesus at the Table of the Last Supper that our story begins.
Islam in it's present form was born at Gethsemene when Isa said three times these words when Allah "broke" him:
"Not my will but thine ( Allah's ); be done."
It is for this reason that Isa spoke of Muhammed and the Nation of Islam to come when he said this; to wit;
" Who falls upon this Rock shall be broken:
but upon whom it falls will be ground to powder ".
This was the Principle of "Submission to the Wiil of Allah" that is the Law of Islam; the Nation that Lord Jesus said the Kingdom would be given as the New Owners because the owners of the vineyard had conspired and then killed the Heir.
In this sense St Paul stood in the Position of Eliezer of Damascus as the Prophet of the Gentiles; which was the Position of Balaam; and Muhammed stood in the Position of Ishamel as being given the Kingdom by his unjustly slain brother who they killed in the Position of Issac; the Bridegroom.
Israel lost it's status of the Elect Nation and became merely Jacob aand the Children of Islam became the Children of the Stars as risen from the dust of the earth of which the children of Hagar were originally likened by El Elion to Abram; thus the Elders of Judah stood in relation to Jesus as having the "power of life and death" over him as Abraham did to Issac.
The Elders of Judah failed the Test of Allah by not listening to the Voice of John the Baptist and sending Isa to the Cross : which was the opposite to what Abraham did by listening to the Voice of the Angel when he spared Issac at the Altar .
Few indeed know that Jesus and Muhammed stand in the relationship of Elder and Younger Brother because they do not know the Vow that Isa made at the Table of the Last Supper thus it is that the Muslims are really his Nararenes as of the Elect; as they who are Faithful in the True Wine are they who have earned the New Wine; to wit;
as Isa said:
" From this day onward I shall drink no wine until
I drink it new with thee in the Kingdom of Allah "
When the Nation of Israel lost the qualification of being the Chosen Nation of God as the Elect for eternity by killing Isa in the position of Issac as the Bridegroom it was due to the failure of John the Baptist who denied he was Elijah the Prophet. This confused the "Ummah" or Community of the believers of that Day in their time since one group followed John the Baptist and the other followed Isa. This is why Isa said:
"A House divided against itself cannot stand"
T his is why Jerusalem fell before Rome and the Temple was destroyed; even as the Son of Man said would happen; yet the Jews believe him not to this: the Last Day; thus have I, Solomon; been raised to save my people Israel, and turn Jacob from his iniquity.
I was sent to heal the split between the Sunni and the Shia by showing both factions of the House of Abraham that it is the 3 Children of Mary of Fatimah as symbolizing "One Child" that is where the "Hidden Imam" appears: as the Door itself; and this "Pearl of Great Price" is the "Irfan"; the "Gnosis" itself; for the Pearl of Great Price is thus "the Gate of Heaven" for they whom Allah at the Last Day shall have His Mercy on.
As the True Qutub or Pole of this Last Day it is my Guide who is the Last of All and Servant of All who is the Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven; even as I am the Least in the Kingdom; thus between us is Everyone is gathered in the Ranks at this; the Last Day; which cometh before before the Last Hour.
The Door of the People of Salvation
It was the Work of the Sun of Faith known to Khidr Rumi that produced the "Miracle of the Sun of Fatimah" which happened at Portugal in 1917; and I was given the Seal of the Work by the Green One; who was present in the figure of Shams a Tabriz; who was, of course, Khidr Elias himself. The Work of the Sun of Faith is not known to the East or West; which is why I have written of it in my book "The Revelation of Salvation: the Regeneration of John the Divine".
(( Presently I am doing the final edit of this work for Monkfish Book Publication Company; and hopefully will have it out within this next year . ))
The Unjust and the Sidjeen of the Veil (( Holy Qur'an Al-Mutaffifin 83:18 ))
Muhammed knew well of this; for in the Sealed Book of Illiyun which stands for "El Elion" or "The Most High" is is there that the Blessed Prophet concealedwhat is the "Irfan" or "Gnosis" that the Great God is God in His Mercy; which is Infinite; even as Ibn el-Arabi said; thus nothing is Greater than God in His Mercy: who is Allah Himself; God at His Most Exalted. This is because His Mercy is Infinite as He is "The Clement"; and who is more powerful then that?
Isa is called the "Word of Allah" in the Holy Qur'an because he was the Mercy that God sent to the Jews who they killed; thus the Baraka of the Jews came to Muhammed when he swept Mecca and it's House of the Idols; and was thus Faithful in All His House. It is this which is written of in the Verse of Light; for the Blessed Olive Tree is indeed Jesus of Nazareth; the Son of Man . Remember well these words; for he called himself not the Son of God : but referred to himself as the Son of Man ; who they did not know nor understand. Thus I call myself the Child of the Son of Man.
Muhammed the Blessed Prophet knew what would befall Islam at the End; and to those who he revealed the Secret Knowledge that he shared with Uways el-Quarani came to be seen after the 1,290 years from 627 when all the 12 Desert Tribes began to face Mecca instead of Jerusalem as they had done before.
It is the date 1917 (of which the Ahmadis are in error about) that the Work of Khidr Rumi which was manifest at Fatimah is where the "Sun of Mary of Fatimah" is revealed to Shia and Sunni alike; for it is here that the "Rending" (( Holy Qur'an 84:18 )) as "the moon in her full perfection" being revealed as Mary of Fatimah al Zahra where the Messiah comes as the "Son of Mary"; for the Mahdi is the " Greater Jesus " of Maryam al-Kubra : the " Greater Mary ; and therefore Fatimah in Portugal was established by Ibn el-Arabi and the other Sufis of the Elect by making Fatimah the center of Pilgrimage long before 1917 when the Children of the Sun of Fatimah were revealed.
This is why Ibn el_Arabi studied under the Two Women of the Sufis before he wrote "The Interpreter of Desires" which was his masterwork. In it is encoded the Book of Fatimah; for Gabriel is the Voice of God, as Elijah and the holy prophts know who hear Him.
It is the one known as "the Andulusian" who was the hidden one of the Great Work of the Sun of Tabriz whose real purpose was to provide the foundation by which Jew, Christian and Muslim might all be gathered at the End to enter the Door of Salvation; as when Noah opened the Door of the Ark in the 7 Last Days before the Flood; which for us will come in 2012; when the Kingdom comes in the Great Cataclysm.
The believers will then enter the Unseen Realm when it becomes Visible; and they will behold the unbelievers who will be trapped upon the surface of the earth when the atmosphere is stripped away and the Solar Wind strikes the face of the earth at the speed which it is deflected presently by our gravitational field that currently proptects all life on the planet; the speed of this Solar Wind from the face of Death as the Face of the Sun being 1,000,000 miles an hour. This is not a theory: it is a scientific fact.
Did no one realize that Muhammed himself was The Warner of the Last Day and the Last Judgement? But at the arrival of the Son of Mary we have once again the Unveiling of the Word of Allah of which the Blessed Prophet spoke: perhaps they will now believe whom Allah has Rightly Guided to Himself at this: the Last Day.
This may be more than most of you here are willing or ready to accept at this time; but know this: I was given the Seal of the Sufis not because of who I am; but who I became; and it is the Sufis who came to me for My Generation as the Generation of Love just as the Magi came to Jesus at the Stable of Bethlehem. And it is in the name of Love as the Name of God that I now speak to you here and all the people of the earth: for it begins here: now.
It is Fatimah in Portugal that is therefore "the Bethlehem of the Mary of Islam": even "Bethlehem Ephraim"; as "Doubly Fruitful" as of "the Greater Mary Maryam al-Kubra: the Virgin of Islam; and I am he who was raised at the Last Day who is the Prodigal Son that Isa the Word of Allah spoke of: Solomon himself; the Lost Sheep of David himself. was raised by the Mercy of Allah at the Last Day; as He promised; for Allah keeps His Word: and here as the Blessed Prophet and Apostle of God Muhammed said you shall see the Ten Signs here explained in their fulfillment as it was Written in the Eternal Book.
The Coming of the Beast of the Earth :
he Dabbat al-Ard ( Qur'an an-Naml 27:82
"I will raise up a beast out of the earth....and he will will speak to thee; for you did not believe the Certainty of Our signs"
Muhammed spoke of my coming when all would doubt the Word of Allah and His Prophet in these Last Days: and now we stand at the Last Day ; when Noah shut the Door before the Flood: and this is indeed where now all mankind is gathered.
I stand before Islam, Christianity and Judaism as that "beast" Muhammed the Blessed said would appear at the End with the Staff or Rod of Moses and the Ring of Solomon; and that is indeed what I was given by the Sufis through Khidr Rumi when they Illuminated me as to my true identity: the Rose; for the Rose is Solomon himself. This is written of in the Holy Qur'an at an-Naml 27:92; and at the Hadith written of by Sahih Muslim "Kitab al-Fitan" #6931 ; to wit;
(The Hour) will not come until you see 10 Signs:
(1) The Smoke
( as of the Smoke that went up when the 2 Towers fell on 9-11 in New York )
(2) the ( Masih ad-) Dajjal
The son of one-eyeed Dajjal Laden from Yemen; the one-eyed bricklayer Mohammed spoke of long ago who is Osama's father.
( who is Osama bin Laden as I know because I can read the name "Kafir" on his forhead as Muhammed said even the illiterate who cannot even read Arabic shall see; for those who cannot recognize him take a look at "the Old Man of the Mountain" that was the childhood friend of Omar Khayyam' and he was he who promised his assassins Paradise for killing those he decided were apostate to his school or "brand" of Islam; promising them the virgins of Paradise if they were killed; and if this does sound familiar then you are deaf as well as blind)
(3) the Beast ( of the Earth)
( who is I; Solomon; as the one led out of that Abyss where I fell as Solomon whose number was 666; as I Solomon was given the 666 talents of gold in one year that is written of me at the Bible at I Kings 10:14; even as I then foreknew was I was foretold would arise by Muhammed when the Sufi Michael Beebe of the Suhrawardi Path awoke me in the City of St. Francis; so that realized that Fame and Fortune for which I and all of My Generation in the West had fallen as they all strove for before I was awakened from "the Dust of Musallah": for now I see that "Fame and Fortune" are but the "Name and the Number" of the Beast; which I was before I was raised in the name of Jedidiah by the Mercy which Allah promised to David before he died.
(4) the rising of the sun from the West
( this is the unveling of the Sun of Mary of Fatimah; which from Mecca is indeed "west"; and it is the Miracle of the Sun of Fatimah which shall show the world what the nature of the Salvation of Allah shall be; as the "Pearl of Great price" is the "irfan" of the 3 Children of Mary of Fatimah seen as "One Child"; the "Hidden Imam" in his return as the Pearl of Great Price is that from which is made "the Gate of Heaven" as of the Door on the Ark of Noah which had 3 tiers or "heights".
(5) the descent of Jesus the Son of Mary
( as i have said the "Greater Jesus" came forth from the "Greater Mary" who is Maryam al-Kubra; as "the Son of David" I therefore show that the 'Sun of Mary of Fatimah" is seen as the Three Children of the Sun of Fatimah; as symbolizing One Child; and that Child is therefore "the Son of Mary' who I as the Wrath of the Lamb symbolize; as having the Seal of the Living God; which is that of Khidr Rumi vy which the Work of the Sun of Tabriz; the Sun of Faith has now been revealed; although few will believe; just as the Jews believed not and failed their Test in their Day; as few will Pass in this Day in Islam or Christianity once again. But this is why the Mahdi and the Messiah are revealed together).
(6) Gog and Magog
( Irag and Iran; "the Shia of Khomeini in the House of the Shia" as present day Iran; Alexander as "Dhul-Qarnain" forged a "plug" in the "Wall" of what was the ancient Wall of China; and the vision he was given was of the Mongol hordes of Central Asia; who at that time were firmly entrenched in present day Iran all the way to Mongolia)
(7) and (the) Landslides and Earthquakes in three places: one in the East; one in the West and one in Arabia; at the end of which fire would burst forth from the Yemen, driving people to the place of their Assembly ( at the Last Hour).
(7) The Earthquake in the East
The News that Osama bin Laden is the Misih ad-Dajjal
(8) The Earthquake in the West
The News that Osama bin Laden is the Antichrist
(9) The Earthquake in Arabia
The Earthquake has to do with that one when Mecca fell spiritually by Osama bin Laden sitting on the throne of Mecca to Judge the West as the "Great Satan"; and as then carrying out his "judgement" as if he were "Allah" himself. For this we have to look at he who was there at the Earthquake of Arabia written of in the Acts of the Apostle's as when Saul the Persecutor of the Believers who became Paul the Defender of the Believers; that Great Earthquake felt on the Road to Sham he fell off his mount; and his companions scattered; as on the Road to Damascus in Syria; that is written of in the New Testament.
This is the Testimony of the Light of Damascus
At II Thessalonian 2:4-5 is written of the Last Day coming; to wit;
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that Day shall not come except that there be a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the House of God, shewing himself that he is God."
(10) The Fire bursts forth from the Yemen.
Remember that the fire which bursts forth from the Yemen has to do with the uncovering of that saying of Muhammed the Praised One as when he said that "Nine- tenths of all the evil in the world would come forth from Yemen"; which refers to the "One-eyed Yemeni bricklayer Laden" himself who produced Osama bin Laden; the Son of Perdition.
This "fire"means Laden and his satanic son is the one who pursued the things of this world by selling his soul for them; and this in Islam is therefore seen as how laden produced the "man of Lawlessness" known as the Antichrist written of in II Thessalonian 2:3-4 by St. Paul as of the Light of Damascus; as from Sham where the Light of Allah converted Saul to Paul with the Word of Allah; which is why Muhammed said that Damascus in Sham; Mecca and Medina would be the 3 Cities of refuge; Sham being Syria; but also referring to the White Minaret where the Descent took place; as Paul said he had 'Christ in Him".
This was Written: so do not fear; but come forth and Enter the Reward of the Believers in Allah and His Mercy in this; the Last Day.
By restoring Solomon the Sufis joined the Work of the Word of Allah who was His Mercy by bringing back to life one who fell into utter corruption as having been seduced by Iblis long ago; and if you have a Bible you will see that the Man who has the number 666 is Solomon; at I Kings; 10:14 ; where it is written that Solomon received 666 talents of gold in a single year.
" I Solomon was given a kingdom to rule because I worshipped Iblis and was given power over the fallen spirits of the Jinn; and was therefore transformed into the angel of the Abyss; whom the Greeks called Apollo; but the Jews Appollyon; the Destroyer of Souls.
Yet few know that the Shadow of Solomon is Apollo; as fallen he is the last of the gods of the fallen angels; and his sister Diana is the Rose of Sharon; the Rose of Sharon being the spirit of my soul: Sharon herself.
It is this where the gods caused Israel to fall when I fell and was followed into the Abyss by Ephraim; the Nortern Kingdom of Israe. to my undying shame: but now I have redeemed; and stand here where men will see I am no beast; but a man whose fallen nature was the Beast until I repented; as the Prodigal Son; and returned; as the Lost Sheep of Israel; and will restore all things; as when the Fire from Heaven lit the Altar when I dedicated the Temple: and thus shall I redeem my people ."
The Verse of the Beast of the Earth
"For that mankind did not believe with Certainty in Our Signs"
" It is I who was destined to divide mankind into the Two Camps; those who can read the name "Kafir" on the forehead of Osama bin Laden as the Misih ad-Dajjal and those who cannot; even though I cannot read Arabic; and would therefore be considered "illiterate" by most Muslims.
Those who can see that Osama bin Laden is the Antichrist will be those who hold their books in their right hand; and those who cannot will hold their books in their left hands. The believers of the Miracle of the Sun of Fatimah will enter the Barque of the Sufis which is the Ship of the Sun of Righteousness as the Ark of Salvation; the unbelievers will not believe in the Miracle of the Sun of Mary of Fatimah and will proceed into the Lake of Fire which is the Second Death . "
As the least in the kingdom of heaven I stand as he who is greater than Sun Myung Moon; who is John the Baptist: no matter how he denies it publically. To those who have confided to me that he admits it privately I will soon publish to be seen in my book, in which I have his testimony firsthand from former members of his church. Inshallah; let the Work begin!
In these last days I have written much of the Sealed Book which I unsealed with the help of the Servant of Allah that mankind will find is His Servant John; the Greatest in Kingdom of heaven. Yet no one would believe that I was sent by the Most High so now it is to Islam that I will now reveal myself even as it as Written.
I brand or "call" they who are the "believers" as those who can see that Osama bin Laden is the Misih ad-Dajjal by being able to read the name "Kafir" on his forehead; and those I brand or call "unbelievers" are those who cannot "see" that Osama bon Laden is the ad-Dajjal.
The Further Proof of Our Signs
It is the Sufi Sayed Hisham Kabbani who said that Abu Hurayra these words related in the hadith confirmed by Tirmidhi and Musnad Ahmad this saying of Muhammed about the Beast from the Earth; to wit;
" The Beast of the Earth will emerge, and will have with it the rod of Moses and the ring of Solomon".
The Rod of Moses is therefore seen as the Rod of Aaron: the Rod of the Regeneration; as when Isa raised Lazurus from the Grave even though he had decomposed and had begun to rot: thus I was raised by the Servant of Allah whom men will know as His Servant John the Divine; who wrote down the Revelation of Jesus Christ that is the Last Book of the Bible. The Rod of God was then seen as that one by which the dead are raised to life even if they have decomposed; as few beleive this possible; but those who saw Lazurus come forth certinly did believe; as when they rolled the stone away from the tomb of Lazarus the stench cause people to retch.
The Sealed Book of Illiyun which is revealed in the "Revelation of Salvation" that I wrote after being insructed by the angel of John the Divine for 21 years is this book of the Lamb which I unsealed with my own ring that the Sufis returned to me along with my shoes and my garment that Isa took from me when he despoiled me of all my powers and goods I had gotten from Iblis when I had worshiped him to gain all the kingdoms of the earth and what I thought was eternal life.
It was I who was the one that tempted Isa when I opposed him in the Wilderness for 40 days when he defeated me: yet in my repentance and returning to restore all things I have begun to Redeem myself and save those who were lost; for the Ring of Solomon is the Gift of Prophecy."
Peace be unto thee;
the Envoy of the Word of Allah:
The Wrath of the Lamb;
the Offspring of David;
the Lion of the Tribe of Judah
The name that Nathan the prophet of David gave me is the one new name by which I was led out of the Abyss; and it is the new name written in the White Stone of Ephraim that Joshua holds with the Black Stone of Mecca; as the Lot of the Breasplate of Aaron: for as Lot was led out of Sodom so was I led out of the fallen City of St. Francis to New Hope; as Zoar; "the little one"; yea;
"...and a little one shall become a thousand...".
even Jedidiah;
"The Beloved of Allah"

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My writing career began when I had a number of visions and experiences in a continuing epiphany that has never really ended; and this is due to the fact that I had an angel appear to me in the guestroom at my grandmother Ruth Witt-Diamant's (more...)

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