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Oh, The Horror

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As I write this, millions of gallons of oil are bleeding out of the seabed into the Gulf of Mexico. It is like a punctured artery in the mantle of our great Mother Earth, and her blood is spewing, not seeping, into the Pacific Ocean, unstoppable, unbelievable, unrelenting. The fragile coastline ecosystems are being destroyed; birds, fish, dolphins, whales and turtles (just to name a few) are some of the species that are being murdered, poisoned, washing up on the shores, dead or dying, oil-soaked and gasping for air. They are washing up on the shores of our country's denial. The sacrificial offerings to the Gods of Greed and to The Insistence of Stupidity. Larry King Live is on the t.v., hosting a 2-hour telethon, rife with superstars for enticement, to try to raise some money to help the poor people whose lives have been destroyed due the decimation of the fishing industry. Our nation will never be the same. We have self-destructed. I feel this is the beginning of the end. It is the most horrifying thing I have seen in my lifetime, besides the useless Gulf War and the "War on Terror" in Iraq. All of this useless murder, death and destruction so that the 1% of the population who have all the money in our country can continue to enjoy their surreal lifestyles of the Cote d'Azur, Cannes, Hollywood glitter, yachts, $1000 bottles of wine, while the rest of the country suffocates on the fumes,waste and aftermath of their appalling lack of consciousness, lack of interest. It would be one thing if this was a natural disaster, if it was an unstoppable tsunami or earthquake, but it's not. It's an "accident" perpetrated upon our shores and its inhabitants by the minions of the oil industry. This could have been prevented. The destruction of one of the most beautiful and fragile coastlines on earth could have been prevented if the BP company had followed the rules of the oil industry instead of thumbing their arrogant noses at the regulations of their own industry, the rules and guidelines laid out to prevent such disasters from happening, if it hadn't sullied the world with its arrogance and cavalier behavior. Their efforts to "clean up" their mess are absurd. Their efforts are paltry, insulting and rude. They have gone about "employing" the destroyed fishermen so they can try to avoid bankruptcy, BP is employing the victims to clean up the mess it could have prevented and that is now ruining a way of life, has taken lives, 11 of which were men who were on the oil rig that exploded and burned out at sea. It is reprehensible. I have never felt so angry and helpless in my life. I am disgusted by BP's arrogance. No, disgusted doesn't begin to cover the feelings I have about this. While these men are exposing themselves to lethal, toxic fumes and materials to clean up somebody else's mess, the head of BP, Tony Haward, sails aboard his YACHT over the weekend, in a display of unmitigated audacity that is hard to imagine, and even harder to digest.

The devastation and destruction that is happening all over the planet is of biblical proportions. I am frightened; I feel that chaos is taking hold. Nothing makes any sense to me anymore. Monsanto has permission to destroy small-town farmers who have farmed for generations and are having their livelihoods destroyed so that Monsanto can keep on growing their genetically modified foods. There is now another oil spew off the coast of Egypt. More oil wells are still being drilled in the sea. Floods are killing people all over America, France, earthquakes everywhere, plane crashes"I just feel so frightened by the state of the globe. I fear for my future, I fear for my daughter's future, and for her future children's future. Endangered species are being wiped out now because of this Gulf "Spill", spill. Ha! What an inadequate word to describe what's happening in the Gulf. BP had, prior to this "spill" estimatied/ projected 100,000 gallons of oil could be spewing into the ocean, they knew what a horrifying mistake they could make, and yet they insisted on cutting corners, saving money, hurrying things along because that rig was late for another mission. Just unconscionable. I can think of little else; I can't stop obsessing about all the misery in the world. And there is so much MORE misery that I do know about, and don't know about. I don't know what to do. Going to a rally was great, but didn't accomplish anything. I need to DO something, and I don't know what.

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Lisa Flavin is currently outraged by the Gulf disaster and feels helpless in the face of its ongoing horror. She currently resides in Albany, NY and is in relentless pursuit of education and truth. She is an avid Yoga fan, and believes big (more...)
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