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Newt Gingrich, Fascist Guru

Message John Sanchez Jr.
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In his remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) meeting in Washington, D.C. today, Newt Gingrich outlined the new meme in fascist resistance to popularly elected government. He did not state it as a directive to the rank and file, but with Newt as the nearest thing to an intellectual that can be claimed by the rabid right, they will follow his lead.

The new tactic will involve conflating the Obama administration with its predecessor, the Bush administration, as Gingrich did in his speech to the credulously disloyal of CPAC. His comparison involved Bush having spent much too much and now, similarly, as far as Gingrich would have us believe, Obama is spending much too much. There is no drawing of legitimate contrasts between the spending engaged in by Bush and that of Obama, but that wasn’t Gingrich’s point in any event.

The transparent reason for this new tactic is to get people thinking that their new president, of whom they overwhelmingly approve, is simply more of the former president that they overwhelmingly loathed. With Newt’s previous success in plying Orwellian propaganda, it comes as no surprise that he would go back to that well once again.

Look for congressional obstructionists to pick up Newt’s baton, especially his point parrot Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia. Then look for the metronome-like expansion of the meme to conflate the two citing any passing casual resemblance as evidence that these two oh so dissimilar men dropped out of the same mold.

They have tried to get Americans to hate Obama because he’s black, because he’s elitist, because he’s liberal, because he’s a socialist and none of it has worked. Now is their time to fall back on a foolproof strategy; they’ll try to make us hate him because they say he’s one of them.
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I am a lifelong resident of the Chicago suburbs, with a several year hiatus to serve in the Navy when my Vietnam era draft notice turned up. I had been told that guys with last names like mine were among the preferred cannon fodder in the Army, so (more...)
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