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My Congratulatory Letter to Blanche Lincoln

Message John Sanchez Jr.
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I heard you crowing last night that "This vote can't be bought!" but I was stricken by the inconsistency of that statement with what I hear of your cash register ringing its little heart out.

It seems that a small sample of the out-of-towners who've been shoveling cash at it are represented on this list:

- $9,000 from insurance giant Aetna Inc.
- $7,000 from petroleum company Anadarko
- $6,000 from drug corporation Bayer
- $2,000 from Bechtel corporation
- $5,500 from insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield
- $5,000 from defense contractor Boeing
- $5,000 from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- $5,000 from Charles Schwab brokerage house
- $10,000 from oil giant Chevron
- $6,000 from telecommunications corporation Comcast
- $5,000 from oil company ExxonMobil
- $6,500 from investment bank Goldman Sachs
- $8,000 from retailer Home Depot
- $6,500 from investment bank JP Morgan Chase
- $7,000 from defense contractor Lockheed Martin
- $5,000 from oil industry giant Occidental Petroleum
- $8,000 from retailer Wal-Mart

- $4,000 from oil contamination experts BP

(source: Thinkprogress.org)

It seems from what I see here, that you should have "For Sale" embroidered in bold letters across the backside of every pantsuit you lay claim to.

I also understand that the counties in Arkansas where Bill Halter garnered a good share of the vote in the primary election seemed to have some difficulty in siting their polling places, sometimes necessitating a twenty mile drive for a voter to cast their vote in the runoff. How very Republican of you, Blanche. It shows off your continuing devotion to ignoring the will of Arkansans to give as much help as possible to Blanche Lincoln and her very dear corporate buddies.

You know, if it weren't for the abysmally dirty, lying, underhanded political tactics of corporate rats, we'd have a hard time figuring out which ones to rid ourselves of. Party affiliation is no longer a reliable indicator, since so many who style themselves as blue dogs are just sidewalk variety corporatist scum. But you make it easy to come to a correct judgment. So, I guess we can resign ourselves to Republican possession of the seat that you've been polishing, without regard to the outcome in November.

And I guess that you'll just continue to be full of beans, no matter the harm it brings to the average Arkansan; or to put it another way, you'll keep lying and cheating and selling out if it harelips every son of a blanche in the state.

With low regard for your transparently insincere show of "public service",

John Sanchez Jr.

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