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John McCain Psychotic Vengeful Stockholm Syndromer Attacks Russia

Message Karen Fish


John McCain has vowed that if he is elected President of the United States he will expel Russia from the G8. This will be one move closer for the world to the nuclear world war 3 G8tes of Hell. George Bush has already alienated the Russian Bear by putting American missiles in the Czech Republic and Poland, and the time has come to check out John McCain’s track record. 

The American people have an extremely poor record at the election booth, having elected George Bush twice in a row. Why did the American people vote twice in a row for a person who they knew had poor marks in school, was an alcoholic, a deserter, and whose oil company was financed by the bin Laden family? Are the American people like a woman engaged to a wife beater who thinks that when her fiancée gets married he will change? Is a hyena ever going to change into a monkey?  

John Hagee, the spiritual advisor sought out and embraced by John McCain, the pastor who referred to the Catholic Church as “The Great Whore of Babylon”, and Pope Benedict XVI as “The Pimp of the Great Whore of Babylon”, tells the Biblical story of the children of Adam and Eve, Cain, the firstborn, and Abel, his younger brother, born after the expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Presumably in Paradise there were no teenagers.   

Cain was a farmer, a tiller of the ground. Little Abel was a shepherd, a keeper of sheep, the lamb. God accepted Abel’s sheep offering, but rejected Cain’s fruit offering. God said to the angry Cain, “Don’t be upset, if you do well, I shall accept you too; I will give you more chances. Just try now to overcome your temptation to sin.” Instead of looking in the mirror, Cain scapegoated Abel and killed him. God then cursed Cain and his farm, and made Cain a fugitive and a wanderer. Cain hired Johnnie Cochran and had his conviction overturned on appeal. God put a mark on Cain so that no one could kill him. Then Cain went to live in Nod, where he nodded off. Adam died at the age of 931. John McCain is the namesake of the world’s first murderer, if you believe that 6,000 years ago people had babies at 130 and lived to be 931, as John Hagee contends. 

George Bush is Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ code named maBUS. Turn the m upside down. Nostradamus’ first two Anti Christs, the Emperors Napoleon and Hitler both lost their armies in Russia. Nostradmus is about to win the trifecta. Knowing this, one would think that the American people would want to do everything humanly possible to establish friendly relations with Russia. Cain said, “I am not my brother’s keeper.” In fact Cain was his brother’s murderer, and on his present anti-Russia course John McCain could wind up killing every American man, woman and child.  

John McCain said, “Lets bring the Ukraine and Georgia, two former Soviet countries, into Nato, and lets throw Russia out of the G8.” This has angered Russia immensely. Russia thinks that the United States and the EU are preparing to attack its country and its oil reserves. Why is John McCain riling up Russia? 

Back in the 1960’s, the United States fought a pointless, ridiculous and extremely unpopular war in tiny North Vietnam. North Vietnam, backed by Russia and China, defeated the United States of America. John McCain was a prisoner of Russia and China and now he has the beginning of Alzheimer’s Rage, and he wants vengeance against his former captors. Jesus Christ said, “Turn the other cheek; do not hit back even in self defense. Love your enemies and love your neighbor as you love yourself.” How did the “Revenge Party”, the Republican Party manage to become the Party of Jesus Christ? Are the Democrats sleeping? They should be hammering this point home endlessly. 

John McCain calls Muslims “Islamofascists” and the greatest threat to world peace. He is singing the Beach Boys tune “Bomb Iran” at his town hall meetings. Russia has formed a strategic alliance with China and Iran and is building the Iranian nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran. Russia just delivered their most advanced zig zagging surface to air missiles to Iran. This is why Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is taunting the United States to attack him. 

China is partners with Iran in the Iranian oil fields. Iran is Russia and China’s backyard. Russia and China are nuclear armed countries with multi million man and women armies. John McCain’s wet dream of attacking Iran will result in the annihilation of the United States military, and then the United States itself. Perhaps the American people might want to elect someone who didn’t come 648th out of 652 people in his naval academy class, has a vicious temper of uncontrolled rage, according to his Republican Senator friends, and who realizes that it may be a good idea to have Russia and China on our side when all out war breaks out in the Middle East. Any intelligent non psychopath would be good for a change.     

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Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion makes peace among and unites Christianity Islam Judaism and Everyone else and the Countries they all live in as the first step towards world peace, by tying everyone together with their common threads and resolving all of their differences once and for all.

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