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In the Arab World People Like Us Are Beheaded

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Palestinians Should Have Made Peace in 1967

In the Arab World People Like Us are Beheaded ..

Or, a female teacher of girls is hacked to death by the Taliban. They condemn a Salman Rushdie to death. They publish books that deny the Holocaust and that mock the victims. With a Palestinian flag flying over Jerusalem, they would behead Jesus if he came there. They have opened ten preemptive wars that have killed 26,000 Israelis.

Barack Obama sent a message to the Muslim World and to those who support terrorists: provide a haven for them and you will be bombed.

Israelis must deal with the facts on the ground, because nobody else will. It amazes me that so few have commented on this article. Why do outsiders think they must make the decisions for the region?

On Al Jazeera I saw four-year-olds singing about a Palestinian flag over Jerusalem. Alas, my grandchildren will be in the IDF.

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Born a month before Pearl Harbor, I attended world events from an early age. My first words included Mussolini, Patton, Sahara and Patton. At age three I was a regular listener to Lowell Thomas. My mom was an industrial nurse a member of the (more...)
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