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Change, or Continued Death, Destruction and Debt?

Message Charles Foerster
While we all hope that the promises for change issued in the recent campaign will be fulfilled, the underlying principles of our government's operations in much of its foreign and domestic affairs does not give support to logical or successful conclusions. It is unfortunate that the new president inherited two wars but adding to the continued losses abroad is the self-inflicted war on our economy at home. Figuring highly in the matter are the councils, self-serving corporate entities and other well-connected groups, none of which are elected representatives of the people.

Under pressure, our government has taken ownership of both domestic and foreign real estate with no clear vision on how to run either, whether or not it even has the moral or legal authority to do so. We are acting like spoiled, undisciplined brats with unlimited lines of credit, buying up failed business models while playing in the arena of global politics, slashing and burning as though we are college students playing in numerous intramural sports contests simultaneously, constrained only by our own flexible codes of conduct.

The dedication and bravery of America's service men and women is not in question; what they are being asked to do is in question. When one looks at our history with Native Americans, expansion in the Pacific, involvement in China, Central America, Korea, Africa, Vietnam, Chile, Panama, Grenada, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan, a not-too-pretty picture emerges. It is a picture of death, destruction and debt.

Mr. President, what are we doing, and why? Is our government so beholden to the powerful lobby, free money and religious factions that they cannot distinguish between right and wrong? It seems that we are addicted to the fear and excitement of all-too-real war games and recognize only power and wealth as good. It's almost Un-American to oppose war but our survival depends on getting out of it, not staying in it.

The new president's election was based in large part on young America's hope for fairness and change and frustration with past administrations for their handling of both foreign and domestic affairs. Indeed, the management of foreign affairs has been the Achilles heel of our nation's structure and affects every aspect of our well being. Mismanagement of foreign affairs greatly affects domestic affairs and real change would provide untold benefits.

Throughout history there has been war after war in the Middle East and it is ludicrous to think that we or any other outside nation would ever be able to force an everlasting peace on the people of those lands. Not helping the situation is the gross imbalance of nuclear power in the region. No wonder some states attempt a sort of balance by way of an arms race. Until the so-called rouge governments perceive that they have achieved a balance of power, terrorism will be part of the equation. Further complicating the issue, there might be those in high civil or military positions who would feel validated to see Armageddon prophecy fulfilled.

Sooner or later, the residents of the region themselves will have to settle their differences. It is doubtful that fact-finding missions from Washington, London or Paris will ever be able to grasp the full gravity of the situation; they simply don't live it. As an example, since the UNRWA Palestinian refugee camps have been in existence in several Middle Eastern locations, three generations of people have lived and died there. Peace does not seem possible with these conditions in place. By giving tons of free money to one side we are exacerbating the problems, not helping to solve them.

If however, our goal is to simply insure a cheap fuel source it would undoubtedly be more cost effective to allow the free market to drive the price of consumption without adding the cost of war. We are not the only people on earth who want cheap fuel. Inevitability, the price will equalize on the open market; any advantage gained through war would only be temporary.

George Washington and other founding fathers warned about the perils of foreign involvement. Throughout the years there have been other warnings; Dwight Eisenhower, Gore Vidal, J. William Fulbright, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, to name a few, have continued the warnings about such policies and the insidious power of the military-industrial complex. Of course, where self-righteousness abounds, certain industries, think tanks and councils are exempted from such concerns.

Under the cover of protecting American interests, we have been engaged in numerous brush wars, covert actions, regime changes, etc., and have provided funds and equipment to impose our will on native peoples in many lands, more often than not, with dubious results. Along those lines, it is virtually impossible to account for the hemorrhage of American taxpayer funds to foreign states and of flow-through funds to the numerous give-away agencies with important sounding names.

Perhaps General Smedley D. Butler, USMC, America's only three-time winner of its highest medals for bravery and honor got it right when he declared, War is a Racket.

Instead of stoking the flames of hatred by giving away billions of dollars to belligerent governments, especially in the Middle East, and corrupt dictators in other parts of the world, we would do better to promote world peace and domestic tranquility by ceasing to fund such operations. The suspension of all foreign aid, except food, clothing, shelter and medicine would show that we are only interested in the welfare of people; not using monetary incentives to change or control governments. It is harmful to us and it is harmful to the area.

On the bright side, the closing of our base at Guantanamo Bay and returning it to its rightful owner, if and when it happens, has to be a very positive action. Perhaps there are other overseas bases that could be repatriated as well?
As long as we're giving back things how about giving back the numerous failed or failing institutions to Wall Street and corporate America. Protect the public but let the institutions fail or prosper as they set about to regain the people's confidence. The practice of propping up failing businesses is not unlike propping up corrupt foreign governments where insatiable greed and arrogance is prevalent. As Professor Jared Diamond said of certain social practices in his highly regarded book, Collapse, these actions are unsustainable.

Perhaps if we had stayed at home for the past hundred and fifty years or so and taken care of our own problems instead of going all over the world setting brush fires and putting them out we would be in much better shape; for sure there would be many fewer American casualties of war, fewer grieving families and fewer fatherless children.
Now would be a perfect time for the American people to take command of their own destiny and reclaim their government; to demand of our elected representatives the change that was promised. Demand that we embark on a sustainable course of action, in both foreign and domestic affairs. Demand that our vulnerable young people not be thrown into the hammer mill of war. Demand that the War Powers Act be revoked. Demand that our hard-earned money not be frittered away to the despots and thugs that thrive in the bottomless pit of dark political intrigue.
No country before has ever won the game as we are playing it; what makes us think that we can?

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Charles Foerster is a former Naval Aviator and professional pilot.
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