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Cars Cause Ruptured Well Oil Spill Tiger Woods Finished Ruptured Disc

Message Karen Fish

Happy Mother's Day 2010 Elin Nordegren. For 5 billion years life on Earth survived in clean pristine conditions until over a hundred years ago Karl Benz invented the automobile. It seemed like a great idea at the time. Today the automobile is causing golf balls made of tar to wash up on the white beaches of Dauphin Island, Alabama. Today Tiger Woods walked off the course at the Player's Championship with a ruptured cervical disc possibly suffered when his wife Elin Nordegren caught him cheating, chased him out of the house with a 2 iron, and the fleeing Tiger Woods drove his car through a fire hydrant and into a tree.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Yesterday a panel commissioned by President Obama found that 80,000 man made chemicals poisoning our earth, water and air are causing 1 in 3 of us to die of cancer. The simple cure for cancer is to stop producing cancer causing chemicals.

The media has been talking about an oil well spill. When people think of wells they think of the well Joseph was thrown into by his brothers. A well is a hole or shaft in the earth dug or drilled to tap an underground supply of water, gas or oil. The ruptured oil spill well in the Gulf of Mexico is the size of Lake Michigan. If BP fails to contain the oil spill, the well will empty itself until all the beaches of the world turn goopy.

Look at your child's globe. If you are a child, look at your own globe. Notice, the earth is round and it only has one ocean. The ocean currents will carry the oil spill to every beach on earth. Nobody is tasering the executives of BP or the Congress who caused this spill by saving a few bucks by not putting in shut off equipment.

There are well shafts and golf shafts. Today in America sports fans are getting the shaft they are being tasered by the police. This week during a Phillies game at Citizens Bank Park Steve Consalvi, 17, ran onto the field. In the old days the police would escort him off the field. This week the Philadelphia police tasered the teenage baseball fan. Yesterday on the 11th hole at the Player's Championship the Florida police tasered Travis Parmelee, 36, of Jacksonville, Florida, for heckling Tiger Woods.

If your lawn has weeds and you simply mow your lawn then the weeds will always return. You need to get down on your knees with your $2 weeder, insert the shaft of the weeder along the shaft of the weed and pull out the root of the weeds. If you want to avoid oil spills threatening our source of oxygen, plankton, you ban cars. If you want to have a sports industry you stop handing out tasers to police officers.

The oil spill is now heading towards Texas towards George Bush who told BP that they needn't bother installing shut off equipment, to save a few bucks from the billions they make every year. Now that the BP oil spill containment dome has failed to stop the underground volcano of oil, BP is trying Plan B, a "junk shot." Jean Van der Velde perfected the junk shot at Carnoustie. Did you hear that the police are now tasering our sports fans and providing escorts for our sports heroes, politicians and oil executives?

U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen told National Public Radio that BP is now going to try to stop the oil spill with a "junk shot." BP is going to try to plug up the blowout preventer by shooting junk, shredded up tires, golf balls and other junk into the blowout preventer. The GOP has now been renamed the GOOP, the grand old oil party.

Karma means that if you put somethin on the merry go round it will come back to you. The cervix is the back of the neck, or the necklike part of the uterus. Tiger Woods, the Champion Player, stimulated so many cervixes that a disc in his neck has now ruptured and he may be done. With the loss of Tiger Woods and the PGA's new penchant for tasering fans, the PGA may be done. You don't tase the hand that feeds you.

Tiger Woods blew out his left knee ligament by posting up onto his straight left leg on the follow through. Then Tiger Woods blew out his achilles tendon during rehab. As a result, he began taking vicodin, ambien, and alcohol for the pain. The rules of golf may or may not prohibit the use of steroids. Tiger Woods went from a scrawny teenager to a ripped adult. Tiger Woods' doctor was caught holding a bag of steroids. Tiger Woods is now going for an MRI to examine his ruptured cervical disc. This may be followed by surgery, not always successful, and certainly more pain medication. Tiger's new corporate venture is called "Tiger's Tasers." "Don't tase me bro".

Golfers are prone to back injuries like ruptured discs from the twisting and turning involved in the golf swing. Discs also rupture when golfers drive into the trees. It's hard to see the forest for the trees. The worst thing a person with a ruptured disc can do is golf.

Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Bill Mallon was a two time All American golfer at Duke University, winning 40 Amateur tournaments and finished 5th in the PGA 1977 Tuscon Open until his career was cut short by injuries. In his book "The Golf Doctor", Dr. Mallon tells how to prevent golf injuries. Dr. Mallon tells the sory of Ben Hogan's near career ending car accident.

"In early 1949 Ben Hogan was dominating the tour, winning the first two tournaments and losing the fourth in a playoff to Jimmy Demaret. Ben and his wife were driving through West Texas when a Greyhound Bus coming down the wrong side of the highway crashed into their car. Ben Hogan's wife Valerie sustained only minimal injuries, mainly because Ben threw his body across her when he realized the crash was imminent. That may also have saved his life. Nevetheless, Hogan was a mess, with fractures in the collarbone, pelvis, rib and ankle, plus a bladder injury and massive contusions in his left leg. A blood clot that reached his lung could have killed him, and another possibly fatal clot in his leg was discovered. It appeared that he may not survive, or walk again, but Ben Hogan made an amazing comeback. Ben Hogan Golf and Nike Golf are now donating golf balls to BP for the junk shot.

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Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion makes peace among and unites Christianity Islam Judaism and Everyone else and the Countries they all live in as the first step towards world peace, by tying everyone together with their common threads and resolving all of their differences once and for all.

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