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Anybody Who Can Kill a Cat Can Murder a Person

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Anybody Who Can Murder a Cat Can Kill a Person

In Israel we have too many US-trained veterinarians. I think they have killed all the little animals in the USA and want a repeat over here. They use anchovy pizza covered with seven types of poison. By city law, they must post the kill zone with flyers two days in advance.
We enter the zone a few hours early to stuff the local cats with good food, so they don't eat the pizzas.

The cops guard the poisoners from us do-gooders. It is against the law to interfere with murderers. After they leave, we rush to remove the deadly pizzas. If a cat sneaks through to grab a bite, it takes up to 14 hours of hard work to clean his system. It's terrible to see him suffer.
A neighborhood tough murdered my cat Dandy. A week later he stabbed Mike 41 times.
Whenever the city succeeds, the area is overrun by rats.
It's not easy to be that dumb.

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