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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 9/15/11

No Pasaran!

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Message Mark Sashine
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8. Our country is now the bully of the world. We are hated for our crimes.  Those crimes are commited because we let them happen. We let our dogs go astray. It is  time to  restrain  them, to show them that the people are the masters. No Pasaran!


9.  Americans are no different than anyone else. There is no such thing as American exceptionalism. The faster we understand it the better  we become. Everyone who  for whatever reason  preaches the American exceptionalism is an enemy of the American people. No Pasaran!


10. Here I stand. I declare here and now  that   I have nowhere else to go and that this country for me is the stage of final battle between good and evil. I will not hesitate even for a moment to point out the evildoers  because I saw them before and I see them now. I am neither liberal nor conservative, neither left nor right. I am a free American who  knows what he wants and knows who is an obstacle to peaceful  and prosperous life in the country he loves and cherishes.   The current shabash of the medieval forces on all levels as well as cowardice of those who are there to protect  and serve are at the highest levels possible. We all are  in danger from within and we all know that it is time to stand firm and draw the line. I announce that loud and clear:  I am for the socialized country with  strong federal government, nationalized education, healthcare (single payer) and main resources. I am for the highest possible level of the safety net and I would encourage to raise taxes and revenues on the federal levels while lowering them locally. I am  for secularism and no teaching religion, except for the history of religions in classrooms. I am for equal rights for all, no discusisons. I am for national standards on  K-12 curriculum and abolishing of the so-called school boards. I am for more  political parties and taking money out of elections. I am for the SI system of measurements. I am for big projects and open borders with our neighbors. I am against the  foreign wars. I am for  powerful judiciary and prosecution of torturers. I am for the International Investigation of 9/11 and a Trial in New York. I am for seeing smiling  and happy faces of the people when they see me, an American. I am for our children   to live not in fear.  If we have all that. I assure you all that we will have neither deficit nor debt.  This is my home. I will fight for it. No Pasaran!


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The writer is 67 years old, semi- retired engineer, PhD, PE. I write fiction on a regular basis and I am also 10 years on OEN.

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