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Series Created By Susan Lee Schwartz (40 articles.) (View How Many People Read This)

Fuji apple with Chinese character DSC_5420, From FlickrPhotos
Fuji apple with Chinese character DSC_5420
(Image by Apple and Pear Australia Ltd)
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Related Topic(s): Arctic Sea Ice; Inconvenient Truth - Documentary; Ministry Of Truth; Ocean Sea Floor; Pacific Ocean; Plankton; Tim Cook; Unregistered Lobbyists


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# Type Date Content
1 Quicklink 12/29/2015 Is Tim Cook, the CEO of APPLE, ignorant or a fraud? (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
2 Quicklink 04/01/2016 The Danger of a Runaway Antarctica (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
3 Quicklink 04/10/2016 Climate-Related Death of Coral Around World Alarms Scientists - (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
4 Quicklink 06/28/2016 Congress Gets Another Reminder From Scientists That Climate Change Isn't Coming -- It's Already Here (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
5 Quicklink 07/18/2016 What Snyder's choice of an oil executive as DEQ director says to Michiganders (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
6 Quicklink 07/21/2016 Earth Just Experienced The Hottest June Ever Recorded (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
7 Quicklink 08/04/2016 The Results Of Earth's 'Annual Physical' Are A Scary Dose Of Deja Vu (View How Many People Read This)
8 Quicklink 08/08/2016 Protect the West From a Black-Gold Rush; by Mark Udall (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
9 Quicklink 10/07/2016 What About the Planet? (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
10 Quicklink 10/09/2016 Gulf Stream slowdown tied to changes in Southern Hemisphere -- ScienceDaily (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
11 Quicklink 10/12/2016 Here's the 1 Thing Countries Have to Do to Meet the 2-Degree Climate Target (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
12 Quicklink 10/17/2016 A collapse in Arctic sea ice volume spells disaster for the rest of the planet (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
13 Quicklink 12/05/2016 Privacy experts fear Donald Trump running global surveillance network, by Spencer Ackerman & Ewen MacAskil -The Guardian (View How Many People Read This)
14 Quicklink 01/05/2017 Top Climate Stories to Watch in 2017 - BY MIKE GAWORECKI (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
15 Quicklink 01/17/2017 Workers Say Trump's Labor Secretary Nominee Is a Habitual Violator of Labor Law; by Liza Featherstone "In These Times" (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
16 Quicklink 01/21/2017 Minutes after Trump becomes president, White House website deletes all mention of climate change (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
17 Quicklink 01/22/2017 Pages on climate change and LGBT rights among topics scrubbed from the White House's website (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
18 Quicklink 01/27/2017 An Extremist Holding the Purse Strings - By Steven Rattner (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
19 Quicklink 03/10/2017 Letters to the Editor: The Sleep of Reason by Bill Moyers & Bernard Weisberger (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
20 Quicklink 03/16/2017 Large Sections of Australia's Great Reef Are Now Dead, Scientists Find - (View How Many People Read This)
21 Quicklink 03/23/2017 'Earth is a planet in upheaval': World Meteorological Organization issues dire climate warning (View How Many People Read This)
22 Quicklink 04/05/2017 Repeal and Disgrace; Sierra Club (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
23 Quicklink 07/07/2017 Environmentalists Win a Victory Against Scott Pruitt by John Light (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
24 Quicklink 07/12/2017 Era of 'Biological Annihilation' Is Underway, Scientists Warn (View How Many People Read This) 6 6 Comment Count
25 Quicklink 07/25/2017 A Comic Strip Mirrors the Ravages of Climate Change - The New York Times (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
26 Quicklink 12/01/2017 Inside Trump's Cruel Campaign Against the U.S.D.A.'s Scientists by Michael Lewis (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
27 Quicklink 01/09/2018 RIP, Obama's Clean Water Rule (View How Many People Read This) 7 7 Comment Count
28 Quicklink 01/19/2018 Evidence of rapid climate change in the Arctic as permafrost erosion transforms the Arctic food web (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
29 Quicklink 01/29/2018 How a Professional Climate Change Denier Discovered the Lies and Decided to Fight for Science (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
30 Quicklink 03/27/2018 The 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch' Is Ballooning, 87,000 Tons of Plastic and Counting - (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
31 Quicklink 03/29/2018 Leaked Memo: EPA Shows Workers How To Downplay Climate Change (View How Many People Read This)
32 Quicklink 01/16/2019 Trump's war on science: how the US is putting politics above evidence.by Emily Holden (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
33 Quicklink 03/25/2019 Scientists Warn the UN of Capitalism's Imminent Demise (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
34 Quicklink 05/28/2019 Trump Administration Hardens Its Attack on Climate Science - (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
35 Quicklink 05/29/2019 A warming Arctic produces weather extremes in our latitudes (View How Many People Read This) 3 3 Comment Count
36 Quicklink 06/08/2019 White House blocked intelligence agency's written testimony saying climate change could be 'possibly catastrophic' (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
37 Quicklink 09/06/2019 Which Government Agency Should Be Responsible For Fighting Climate Change? (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
38 Quicklink 11/12/2019 E.P.A. to Limit Science Used to Write Public Health Rules (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
39 Quicklink 08/09/2021 Humans have pushed the climate into 'unprecedented' territory, landmark U.N. report finds (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
40 Quicklink 02/17/2022 Study Exposes Climate Claims (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count

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