Today is Martin Luther King’s Birthday and I hung my flag outside my home. I remember the terrible day he fell and the charged situation in our country, the riots and the tears of all who loved him. MLK was a man like no other, he had his failings as we all do, but he managed to unite a cross-section of people to do what was necessary and right. He is still missed and we shall always honor him.
Martin Luther King stood up for the working men and women in this country. He fought for fair and just wages and an end to corporate greed. We still face those same challenges today in our fight for a decent wage for a decent day’s labor. The mega-rich of today that buy out companies reduce the workforce and sell them and use tax-loopholes so as not to pay their fare share of taxes should be stopped. When a company like KKR buys an industry and locks out its workers and breaks the back of the Unions, than that should not be permissible under the law.
We must act now and ask all the Presidential candidates to stop these tax loopholes that allow people like Henry Kravits not to pay his fare share of taxes. The way his company treats American workers is a travesty. Please join with me and go to and add your voice.
That’s the way I see it.