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SAVE The Majority Report on Air America Radio

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The Pen
Message The Pen

ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/majorityreport.php

It can fairly be said that NO progressive radio personality in the last couple years has done more to promote real activism than Sam Seder. He has given out more congressional phone numbers, more action page links, and has given air time to more worthy progressive candidates than two or three others we might name combined. If progressive radio is to be about anything, it is best exemplified by The Majority Report on Air America Radio weekday evenings.

Way back when we were fighting to stop a compromise on the filibuster of radical right wing ideologue federal judges, Sam Seder was one of the only ones out there rallying his listeners to speak out, until someone else you have heard in the news lately, Joe Lieberman, pushed the surrender to cut our legs off. Just this last week, Sam Seder took it on himself to exhort his listeners to call and email key senators on the despicable estate tax sham, a fight we might not have won without him.

Now we need to speak out for Sam himself.

There are noises out there, that for whatever reason of their own, Air America Radio management is planning on terminating the show. This is totally unacceptable. The loss of Sam Seder would be an enormous step backwards in the building of a progressive media activist infrastructure. If you have ever heard The Majority Report on Air America radio, we need you to communicate to them that Sam has earned his time slot with professionalism, comedic and journalistic talent, and most of all, the kind of activism that should be the standard, rather than the exception.

Please submit this action page and let them know how much Sam Seder means to you, how much he means to us all. We need Sam Seder in the battles to come, doing what he does so effectively to support real policy change. He has never failed to come through for us in every possible way. It's time for us to support him, just as he has supported you and the causes we live for.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/majorityreport.php
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The Pen is a real person, and the creator of UTalk, a revolutionary new internet radio interface, to make advocacy messages as facile and easy as possible. With this goal in mind we pioneered one click action pages in the political realm, now (more...)

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