We're trying something new this year: everyone who donates at least $10 will be listed as a Citizen Publisher in our - rather, your - upcoming book, Count My Vote. In addition to seeing your name listed, you'll also:
- Ensure that every vote is counted this November by getting this important book into voters' hands
- Help fund independent media when it's needed most, when the corporate media coverage of the election is abysmal
Let's face it: 2008 is shaping up to be huge. Probably the most important vote of our lifetimes because a political transformation is possible. And we desperately need change in order to get our country headed in the right direction.
There's one thing I know about what needs to happen this year. Every single one of us must do our part to make sure that November's election is fair and that people's votes are counted. It can be done. And we feel so strongly about it, we produced a book to provide the insurance.
It's called
Count My Vote. AlterNet's talented writer and investigator, Steve Rosenfeld, wrote it -- and it's good. Really good. It has all the voting rules for every individual state, plus special sections for students, seniors, and people who moved, information about new voting machines, and much more. Don't worry -- it's far from boring. In fact, its jam-packed with the kind of information that should be in the hands of voters and organizers from Miami to Maui and in-between.
And I'd like you to publish it. That's right. We need your help to make this book. Typically, it takes a couple folks with deep pockets to put a book out there and get it seen and read. AlterNet doesn't exactly have deep pockets. So we're doing something new -- asking you to help us publish a book. And this is a book that cries out to be published, and published fast. So we're turning to you, Friend.
Here's how it works: if you're up for it (and I sincerely hope you are), make a donation of $10 or more and you immediately become part of the AlterNet publishing family. You become a Citizen Publisher. Your name will be listed as a publisher in Count My Vote. $40 or more also gets you a copy of the book mailed to you, fresh from the press, before we release it to the public.
Even more important, you'll be supporting the very essence of what AlterNet does: putting critical, useful, actionable information in the hands of those who can use it most. And this year, especially, it matters.
There's a reason why we are on the fast track with publishing Count My Vote. If the primary season is an accurate harbinger -- and I think it is -- then this November's election will offer many challenges to ensuring that the vote is fair and just. Theres mismanagement, bad technology, and partisan efforts to deprive hard working Americans of their right to vote but all that will be overcome if we work together and help mobilize a record turnout of voters this fall. I believe that an aggressive voter empowerment effort is part of the solution. Count My Vote is an effective way to raise everyone's consciousness and get us organized. It will help a lot if we can get Count My Vote distributed far and wide.
Your Citizen Publisher contribution will support independent investigative journalism, get the voices from AlterNet out there, raise voter consciousness, and help increase turnout. And we need all the help we can get.
Don Hazen
Executive Editor, AlterNet.org
PPS: This is the first time we're opening up our publishing to include our most loyal readers. If it works, then we can imagine creating more great books, published by the people for the people. With that kind of support, we will drown out some of those other prolific right-wingers.
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Joan Brunwasser is a co-founder of Citizens for Election Reform (CER) which since 2005 existed for the sole purpose of raising the public awareness of the critical need for election reform. Our goal: to restore fair, accurate, transparent, secure elections where votes are cast in private and counted in public. Because the problems with electronic (computerized) voting systems include a lack of (more...)