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Cheney SECRETLY Schemes To Start Iran War By Himself

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The Pen
Message The Pen
The New York Times and CBS News are confirming a story we had already heard that Cheney is determined to suck the U.S. into a shooting war with Iran, provoked through back channels with Israel, if he can't force that policy on Bush any other way. We are in greater danger of the strategic debacle in the Middle East spinning even more wildly out of control every day that Congress does not confront the monstrous malignancy in the office of the vice president in particular.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.usalone.com/cheney_impeachment.php

Vote yes, or else vote no. Nearly 60,000 have already. It could save all of our lives. It could save YOUR live, all of it. Help turn the National Cheney Impeachment Poll into a national phenomenon. That's where we are going with this. We can do it with your help. All we have to do is get enough people to say he SHOULD be impeached, and he will be impeached.

The situation is so extreme that The New York Times published an editorial yesterday, and we quote from just some of its conclusions below. How can anyone read these words of alarm and not be at LEAST motivated to at express an OPINION? They are finally speaking out. How about you? Please note, destruction of official vice presidential records is a CRIME, and that's just the latest!

New York Times Editorial
June 3, 2007

The Associated Press reported that Mr. Cheney's office ordered the Secret Service last September to destroy all records of visitors to the official vice presidential mansion right after The Washington Post sued for access to the logs. That move was made in secret, naturally. It came out only because of another lawsuit, filed by a private group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, seeking the names of conservative religious figures who visited the vice president's residence

This disdain for accountability is distressing, but not surprising. Mr. Cheney has had it on display from his first days in office, when he refused to name the energy-industry executives who met with him behind closed doors to draft an energy policy.

In a similar way, Mr. Cheney seems unconcerned about little things like checks and balances and traditional American notions of judicial process. At one point, he gave himself the power to selectively declassify documents and selectively leak them to reporters. In a recent commencement address, he declaimed against prisoners who had the gall to demand the protections of the Geneva Convention and the Constitution of the United States.

Mr. Cheney is the driving force behind the Bush administration's theory of the unitary executive, which holds that no one, including Congress and the courts, has the power to supervise or regulate the actions of the president. Just as he pays little attention to old-fangled notions of the separation of powers, Mr. Cheney does not overly bother himself about the bright line that should exist between his last job as chief of the energy giant Halliburton and his current one on the public payroll.

From 2001 to 2005, Mr. Cheney received deferred salary payments from Halliburton that far exceeded what taxpayers gave him. Mr. Cheney still holds hundreds of thousands of stock options that have ballooned by millions of dollars as Halliburton profited handsomely from the war in Iraq.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

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