"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." John KerryWhether he meant the above quote as a joke or as a reference to George W. Bush or not, is indeed what any good parent who loves his child would tell their child, particularly in these troubling times of Bush lies and manipulations.. "Study or you are going to get stuck in Iraq." What a powerful truth! How anyone can, except for the ignorant but evil mind of Bush and any of the Bush Scumbags permeating his administration and the farcical mainstream media we have these days, construe Kerry's words as an insult to the men and women serving in the military is beyond me. (Just how exactly does anyone think that Dick Cheney and many others like him got out of service in the military during the Vietnam War? Was it not through, "study, do your homework, get good grades and get ahead?" Was it his "war service record-not!" that got him to the vice-presidency of the United States, or was it those deferments and the college degree that he got through those deferments instead of the bullets or torture which might have been waiting for him in a Vietnam battle ground?) Perhaps we should all be insulted at the propaganda ads the military itself places on our television screens. They target the poor, those who are not able to pay for a college education which is so out of the reach of so many pockets these days. Even in state colleges and universities education has become an insurmountable financial cost for many young who turn to the military as a place to, "get ahead." "Getting ahead" these days via military service can mean, sadly, coming back in a body bag to a final resting place in the ground like the three thousand plus and counting brave souls killed in Bush's war of conniving greed for oil: the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Perhaps we should recall that in the beginning of Bush's misuse of the life and blood of our military young, Rep. Charles Wrangle, repeatedly made the claim that only the poor and those who had not been able to "get ahead", were serving in the military and that perhaps the draft should be reinstituted so as to balance (between the rich and the poor) the resources of young life being offered as sacrificial cannon fodder to those insurgents fighting Bush's illegal occupation of Iraq...(perhaps these are not Wrangle's exact words, but they are a close enough paraphrase of what he said and what he meant). Perhaps we should remember that there are many sons and daughters of "illegal" and undocumented Hispanics serving in the U.S. military because they were promised United States Citizenship after their service in the military and, perhaps, they saw and heard that promise of citizenship at the end of their military service as their only way to forge a way to, "get ahead," in the land of plenty and milk and honey...sadly, many of them have indeed returned in body bags. And perhaps we should remember that the insult to the brave men and women serving in the military comes not from Kerry, but from Bush himself who continues to use them and misuse them, their fears and their emotions as cannon fodder not only against the insurgents in Iraq, but also, here in these United States against anyone who might correctly point out the blatantly powerful and painful truth, that many young people got "stuck" in Bush's military and Bush's occupation of Iraq because they were looking for a way to get ahead, out of a rut, and fell instead under the lies and grasp of a man who has no conscience, has a narcissistic, greedy drive for oil, and an insatiable lust for gore and blood. How cynical of George W. Bush to claim that Kerry has insulted the military when, it is George W. Bush who constantly insults the military men and women of the United States and their families by sending them to an illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq, from which some come back in a body bag, or physically or emotionally wounded, and then, he, Bush, proceeds to cut the VA benefits and educational stipends so needed by those who return broken and in pieces, body and soul.