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Browns critically flawed Grading system for FEMA and the Government with Katrina

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Well, blow me down!! Seems Michael Brown has finally decided to use a grading format to assess the Bush regime's performance with Hurricane Katrina.

Now let's keep in mind that the effort, if ever there has been one, was a disaster of the first magnitude. Not unlike failures we've ever seen before. That not withstanding, his response to questions about race being a cause for the pathetic performance was "bullshit."

Well, I'd say that was probably a warning of what was to come. For his own performance, he takes a C. George gets an A-, Blanco got an A or B, and Nagan gets a D.

Fortunately the certain knowledge of one of the criteria of being a Republican is that you have no problem lying, no matter what the question.

I'm sure everyone saw the pictures of hundreds of school buses in a parking lot up to their windows in water. The Superdome crammed with people looking for any kind of help.

The hundreds that died as a result of the storm and those that died because of the well known to be ineffective and dangerous levee system holding back Lake Ponchartrain.

These levees have been well established as dangerous for years, so the failure of this levee system was not a matter of if, but when.

A real president, with this knowledge, would not be on the campaign money grubbing trail while a category five hurricane was heading for a Big City that was built on land below the water line.

A real leader cancels all the grab-ass and gets his or her ass to a control center to be present in a way that the people can see their chief-cook-and-bottle washer is there for them.

This obviates, once again, how stupid Bush and his cronies are, and how far removed from reality they are.

Chertoff and Brown are supposed to make George look presidential, rather than the idiot he really is. Bush and Blanco decided to threaten the people awash in water, sewage and other forms of pollution with being shot to death for looting, as they called it, with no exceptions.

Now that's just the sort of rot you expect out of people who have clearly screwed up, well know it, and are trying to get control of the people and the spin as quickly as possible.

Looting on the scale seen in New Orleans was the LEAST of their problems. So what did New Iraq (Orleans) get? Why mercenaries to protect the more well to do parts of town whilst engaging in live fire exercises with the "so called" looters, some of whom were NOPD. Damned cops abandoned their posts and joined the looters. Now there's a black eye for "law enforcement."

The only people out looking for survivors were locals and people coming in lieu of FEMA and the responsible knuckleheads.

Thousands of old stately homes, part of the history and wonder of New Orleans, lost forever. Landmarks, all the things that made a relatively poor city in terms of money, an unbelievably RICH city in culture, and life you'll see nowhere else.

Now we see thousands of trailer houses sitting without occupants as FEMA made the decision to dump these people whose families are scattered to the wind, out of hotel and motel rooms in the middle of winter. Ebenezer Scrooge would be proud!! The Grinch too!!

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